[hider=Aly] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-1gBaYmTzgsk/WwX5FE_Ig1I/AAAAAAAJGnI/RkLwD8SPMGg_wWezzm70uPt3fgKVtLoeACJoC/w530-h875-n-rw/pixiv%2B68889250.jpg[/img] [/hider] Aly, trying to follow what was happening, whispered [color=ed1c24]"turn off"[/color] to herself. The loud metal music that had been playing completely stopped, and she was greeted with the louder world around her; including the puppy-like woman who was bouncing from person to person! She bit her lip, nervous, but moved further inwards. Ending up sitting next to someone else who also looked nervous ([@Animera] Alison). She looked at the girl, and quietly said [color=ed1c24]"hello"[/color]. It was the kind of awkward hello from someone not used to starting conversations, and she went back to looking at her hands. Maybe the other girl wouldn't hear her...