[hr][center][h1][color=007236]Mahendra Huq Zalil[/color][/h1] [img]http://st1.bollywoodlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/rkmog-top-5-mahatma-gandhi-portrayals-on-screen-png-92679.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=007236]Location: [/color]In the streets of Cairo [Color=007236]Skills:[/color] Social cameleon[/center][hr] [Color=007236]"Very well. I'll take one."[/color] Mahendra didn't quite catch what the vendor had said exactly, and paid the man for his hopefully delicious breakfast before the words quite sunk in. He tilted his head slightly to the side as he was handed what he recognized as a falafel, not noticing the familiar stranger coming towards him. It could have been the buzzling street drowning out her recognizable voice, the amusing phrasing of the vendor going through Mahendra's mind or a combination of them two, but he didn't realize she was there until she came even closer and put a hand on his shoulder. How odd for a woman to do, but Mahendra recognized her - eccentric - personality the day before, so he tried not to think about it too much. [Color=007236]"Good morning, Mosi. How pleasent to meet you again."[/color] Mahendra replied to Mosi in his Bengali accent, turning to face her still holding the falafel in his hands. Hopefully the Gods would look favourably upon him that day and keep the falafel from dirtying his shirt. [Color=007236]"Well enough I suppose, just dreamt of yesterday's event in a peculiar way."[/color] That was as far as he wanted to elaborate on his night's sleep, prefering to keep such talk away from the no doubt prying eyes of the vendor. [Color=007236]"How about yourself? I didn't see you leave the hotel this morning when I left."[/color] Mahendra smiled at Mosi at her pleasent demeanour that morning. It was nice to see people smile for once, especially compared to the day before. [Color=007236]"Actually I am going to the Barracks to meet Lady Munn, but I'd be more than happy to walk still. It's just next beside each other after all."[/color] Mahendra accepted her proposal, holding out one hand for her to hold as they would walk down the street. The other hand still held the Falafel, ready for consumption. This could go two ways; either very well, or very bad. [Color=007236]"What is the nature of your business today then, Mosi? You weren't going all the way to the museum?"[/color]