[h2]Estelle Varianbec[/h2] Many things had happened at once. The enemy Master had fled, a tree had been thrown at the family, and then it was suddenly off-course, with Lancer deflecting it further. Estelle's body had tensed the moment she saw the tree hurtle through the air, but now she relaxed. It wasn't as if she had cared what happened to the family, of course. Rather she had simply concluded that killing all of them would be too noticeable, and altering their memories was was the more subtle way to go about it. Naturally. There was no other thoughts in her mind. She was a homunculus created for this purpose, of course she wasn't worried about the fate of this random family. Anyone insisting otherwise would be an absolute fool. An absolute fool! "[i]Lancer, bring them here, so I can alter their memories.[/i]" [@KoL][@RolePlayerRoxas]