[hider=Orionic Alliance] [center][h1]The Alliance to Form the Orionic Republic[/h1] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/dfcf/f/2015/247/e/7/flag_of_the_alliance_of_free_stars_by_kingwillhamii-d98c7dm.png[/img] A travelling fleet of resistance fighters whose enemies compose of, verbatim, "All those kingdoms and empires and shit." Hails from the days of the Orionic Empire. Officially, they want the establisment of a galactic republic. In practice, they generally just enflame malcontents wherever they currently are.[/center] [hr] [center][h2]Claim[/h2][/center] The only land the Alliance claims is bases scattered throughout the galaxy. [hr] [center][h2]Government[/h2][/center] The alliance is lead by a council of liberated planets, each member serving a different role. Some are civilian leaders while others are military leaders. There is always at least one fleet admiral and at least one general. These council members are presided over by an elected speaker, whom claims loyalty to no one planet, instead loyal only to the fleet. [hr] [center][h2]History[/h2][/center] [right]"Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the galaxy would do this, it would change the universe." - Agonis Sevras, on the eve of the battle that would prove his death.[/right] The Alliance was formed late in the lifespan of the Orionic Empire, its founding members stating their intent to reform the hereditary, failing empire with a republic. Initially made of rebel cells scattered across the various planets of the empire, they eventually merged together into a force to be reckoned with. The Rebel Fleet was created out of this centralization of rebel assets, a massive armada of repurposed civilian frigates, outdated military cruisers, and old fighters. Bases were established across the galaxy, and the Alliance was truly born. Using Free Association assets as well as their own, they proved to be a thorn in the side of the Empire. However, they were not the cause of the collapse, though they did wrest control from many imperial successor states, freeing many planets. Under this time they followed the leadership of what was described as the chosen one of the Alliance, a man named Agonis Sevras. Under his leadership, they peaked, at their highest point boasting resistance fleets across the galaxy. When he was killed in a massive battle against an imperial successor, the Alliance almost collapsed. Though they won that battle, it came at a hefty price. Entire fleets were destroyed by the imperial successor state, and without strong leadership the surviving fleets scattered, all except one. Inviting in a council of liberated planets, they bolstered themselves and weathered the attacks. Though no longer at their peak, they remain a thorn in the side of many empires and kingdoms. For years upon years they travelled the galaxy, fighting injustice and fanning the fires of resistance wherever they went. However, this fleet remains a bastion of hope for free-thinkers and rebel fighters who come across it. Despite its seemingly small stature, it maintains its bases across the stars and boasts an armada of ships that are not so easily beaten, albeit using mainly outdated military ships and repurposed civilian freighters. [hr] [center][h2]Military[/h2][/center] There are two arms to the Alliance, the Fleet and the Army. The army is much more rarely used, as the alliance prefers strike squads and training the locals, but the fleet, especially the starfighter core, see plenty of work. The military's equipment is not standardized, and many different types of ships and weapons see use. However, there are a few general ship designs that see major use. [hider=CC-88 Long Range Fighter] An ancient but still reliable workhorse, the CC-88 is a long-range fighter with surprising nimbleness, sturdiness, and weapon loadout. It has been a mainstay of the fleet for centuries, and it's easy to tell why. While too expensive for an empire to mass-produce, the ship is perfect for smaller-scale operations of resistance fighters. It can carry a variety of armaments, while maintaining a max speed and manueverability above that of most other starfighters. [img]https://d1a9v60rjx2a4v.cloudfront.net/2016/11/22/22_20_01_618_8.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=AV-324 Long Range Gunship] The AV-324 is another workhorse of the Alliance Fleet, a simple multi-role gunship capable of carrying heavy armaments and transport troops. It seats two pilots and can carry seven people comfortably in the hold. It is also sturdy and capable enough for atmospheric entry. It is a relatively old design, not featuring many modern standards, and instead focuses on its reliability and capability over its technological edge. [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/scifiminibuilders/images/4/4e/640x384_9820_Helldiver_hellhound_final_2d_sci_fi_mech_fighter_picture_image_digital_art.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141129040704[/img] [/hider] [hr] [center][h2]Misc[/h2][/center] Religion/Culture: There is no one set religion in the fleet, as they accept people from all walks of life. No census is held, either. There is no data on the religions of the fleet. Demographics (Species): The fleet is made up of all kinds of species, and no census is ever held. They accept all species as long as they're willing to do their part. Characters: Will get into this IC. Relations: They have a terrible relationship with any non-democratic government. They are unofficially allies of the Free Association, and often trade people and supplies with them. Habitation: There exists two types of habitable rebel assets, bases and ships. The ships are semi-nomadic, travelling the galaxy and resisting where they can. The bases are entirely fixed in place, and act as a beacon of stability for the ships to return to for supply and rearmament. Ships can vary anywhere from small three-person runabouts to massive thousand-man freighters. The bases vary similarly, some full fledged cities and some nothing more than landing pads for ships. [/hider]