[quote=@AndyC] Ironically, the fact that Dick and post-injury Barbara [i]can't[/i] really have crazy rooftop Halloween sex I think makes them a much better pairing. Like you're saying, as he grows up he should get less interested in chasing tail (or rather being chased by tail), so a relationship where that's not really an option anymore makes it that much more important for him to grow as a person. I think he's still very much a romantic and a loverboy at heart, but by the time he's an actual adult, he's looking more at a love with a capital L. He can't really get that from the world of sexy people in skin-tight spandex, and Barbara's the closest thing to a normal person he knows. Plus, since she was always more emotionally mature than him, I imagine he'd feel like he has something to prove, to show that he's grown enough to be ready for her. I mean, to each their own--especially in regards to DC which has about eighty trillion different incarnations of their characters. [/quote] I fully agree to this. But that Barbara seems to be long gone from DC's line up sadly. Note, I am way behind on both Rebirth Nightwing and Batgirl's titles but I'm like 99.9% certain that Babs has not been confined to a wheelchair again haha.