[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XjCxIFl.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][color=white][b]Namikaze Compound, Konohagakure[/b][/color] Present Day, Daybreak[/color][hr][/right] [indent]For most shinobi academy students, getting up before dawn seemed like something was unnecessary. The shinobi academy wasn’t a far walk and generally, most students enjoyed getting a full rest. For Namikaze Fukushu it was a normal thing to wake up before the sun reared its head above the village. Also, it was kind of expected of her from her mother. Fukushu still remembered all the times when she was younger where her mother drilled it into her head that a shinobi should be ready for anything at anytime and as such should be prepared before even the sun itself. However, there was another reason why Fukushu was already ready to go. She was [I]excited.[/I] But then again, what student of the shinobi academy of Konohagakure wouldn’t be on their graduation day? Fukushu stretched her legs before leaving her bedroom, a genuine smile upon her face as she did so. Not only did she get up bright and early, the day was already announcing itself to be a blessing – a good omen for her spirits and everything she deserved. A rainstorm that overtook the dawn was a sign, acknowledging Fukushu’s prowess with elemental ninjutsu of the very chakra nature she possessed. As far as her perspective went, it was a good day. [I][COLOR=#9980AF]Today’s the day. The day everyone finally [I]recognizes[/I] me. The day I finally beat my rival and show him who the greatest shinobi of our generation is.[/COLOR][/I] As she moved to grab an umbrella in the entrance hall she noticed the appearance of her mother doing her morning meditation. She was quick to not disturb her as she carefully opened the door, sliding it aside as she looked at the storm outside. “Fukushu.” The purple-haired girl paused at the voice of her mother. She had been hoping to not disturb her, after all. Fukushu's mother, Namikaze Ayano, was a particular woman. She had raised Fukushu by herself for eleven years in Konohagakure with little help from friends and family. She was a hard and strict parent, but she was the only parental figure Fukushu had. As a young girl she had found her mother's discipline tough and unfair, but as she grew into a shinobi she recognized what her mother did was in her best interests. The biggest surprise on this morning was the fact her mother was even awake, considering the fact that she had been generally absent for morning rituals for the last year or so. Her work as an ANBU agent took much of her time, after all. Perhaps this was her mother’s way of recognizing Fukushu’s graduation was important? To send her off with her respect? It was a strange thought, but Fukushu was unsure about what other possible reason her mother could have tasked herself with given the circumstances. Fukushu turned face, looking to her mother. However, before she could respond she could hear her mother speak again. “Do your best. Don’t disappoint me.” Fukushu nodded, [COLOR=#9980AF]“Of course, mother. I won't.”[/COLOR] Before deciding to leave the purple-haired girl decided to ask her mother if there was anything she needed of her in addition to the graduation ceremony. [COLOR=#9980AF]“Is there anything you need from the stores after school is over?”[/COLOR] “Hn. No, I don’t think so, Fukushu. You may enjoy the afternoon to yourself.” [COLOR=#9980AF]“Understood. I'll see you later, then.”[/COLOR] As Fukushu left there were no more words between the two shinobi. As was their way. Much like any other school day, Fukushu picked up her pace to ensure she arrived at the academy early.[/indent]