[b]Hello, Friend. I'm presently discussing plots with a couple of nifty folks so I'm temporarily closing this.[/b] Back at it again. Should I be on the prowl for a new game? Heavens, no. But it’s Friday night and I’m feeling reckless. Because this is the 1x1 section, I do feel that the dynamic between writers is one of the key factors in a successful game. So, I’m going to open with some lazy bullets on me: - I am very, very slow to respond. I am irresponsible and allow all the bits of my life to bleed into all of the wrong times. - OOC conversation is crucial in my book – dreaming up future scenarios, delving deeper into characters, etc. Furthermore, it’s what I use to bop in and tell you where I am/ensure that a reply is coming during my periodic disappearances. - That being said, if I’m ever taking too long on something, I strongly encourage you come after me with the largest stick you can find. I don’t intend to go on hiatus every two weeks but I do (I’m sorry I suck). - Concise language? Who? I try to vary the writing style I use based on the character though it is mostly contingent on how much time I have to write up a post and the nature of the game. And sometimes, it’s just me exploring different ways to string words together. And by all that, I mean it’s all just me being lazy and never proof-reading so you get the first bull poo that lays itself on the page that sometimes is stupidly flowery to harken back to those angsty preteen days when I fancied myself a deep and brooding [i]artiste[/i] because I wrote that song once (ask me about my poetry). I’m really only looking for one involved game or perhaps two very casual ones. I’m already involved in a darn amazing game with a dang amazing writer but I have a wee bit of time that I used to dedicate to a D&D campaign and a long-running RP which have recently ended. That being said, don’t be afraid to shoot me a reply if you see this and feel any interest. If this doesn’t fall back to the twentieth page by the time I’m all set up with a writing buddy, I’ll update when I’m no longer looking. By God, I hope you went through all of that nonsense just to get here. To get to the important bit where I share my little plotling because prepare to be met with disappointment: Gay (and/or lesbian) vampires. Yep. That’s it. That’s how I want to spend my free time. Okay. Not entirely. Just mostly. I'm not actually particularly invested in their gender/orientation or whether or not the characters’ partnership ever ventures past platonic. I just really like the notion of a pair of vampires going through their undead existence, maybe brooding, maybe philosophizing. In particular, give me one who might be a little less okay with his or her condition paired up with one that seems pretty well adjusted. Number1 doesn’t like to kill but Number2 recognizes it as a necessity and is okay doing it for the both of them for a while. [b]Mostly, I want to see Number2 dragging half-dead folks to wherever Number1 has plopped themselves to brood like a mother cat trying to teach its kittens to hunt.[/b] Everything else is negotiable but I have half-baked ideas aplenty. Feel free to hit me up with any of your ideas. Otherwise, just hit me up and I’ll get right down to some potential ways these characters meet and all that. I have a vague idea of how vampires might work but, again, everything is negotiable at this point. Anyway, if I don’t get any responses, I’ll update with some of those ideas over the weekend to potentially draw interest. For the time being, I’m done typing in any intelligible manner so that’s all, folks. [hider=Building list...] ...of negotiable details to maybe tickle your fancy (or maybe scare you away, I don’t know) On blood consumption: I’m not terribly into the idea of giving these monsters an easy way out of the moral dilemma behind feeding off of people. That is to say, I’m not about the whole “any blood will do” sort of thing. Typically, when I have written vampires in the past (the two times), they either (i) weren’t brooding and didn’t care to contemplate morality or (ii) had no option other than literally die. As a general overview, I figure that the way these creatures might work is that they are indeed dead but are able to appear to be living through the consumption of living blood as a sort of mystical, mythical transfusion to replace or renew their own dead resources. This, in turn, gives more power to those more willing to delve into the immoral and invites decay on those who choose to starve themselves. Perhaps they don’t die – perhaps they do just wither and decay and it’s gross. On animal blood: maybe it’s something unpleasant that could be used in a pinch for a short, short period. Or maybe it just doesn’t work. Leave the goshdang puppies alone. On era: Literally anything. I’m pretty into historical fiction so whether or not we delve into history for the start of this game, chances are I’ll be playing an old character who might make reference to those lives long gone. On characters: I have a couple of vague ideas that would fit either of the above roles. I’ll slap ‘em here when they’re more developed. Otherwise, I’ll give you a rundown as we talk so we can see who best fits.[/hider] [hider=Other half-baked "plot" ideas I could roll with:] [b]A clever human lad/lass/etc. getting in over their head when they attempt to recruit a monster in their quest for revenge[/b]. Virtually, two characters attempting to use one another – playing around with the pair as they each attempt to gain the upper hand. The development of romance/fondness/friendship is not necessary and, depending on the characters, may never develop. Or maybe it does. I just want to see where a couple of potentially power hungry characters could take things. It could end in three posts when the monster just offs the human for all I know.[/hider]