Amen rolled his eyes a bit, able to see the nervousness beneath Rys' surface. It was a good thing though that they were largely capable of hiding it - that suggested the man had his emotions at least reasonably under control. Though of course, Rys had forgotten the most important part of being a bandit. [color=yellow]"You forget, Rys, that hopefully there won't be any fight at all. If the threat of violence can make us rich, then we don't need to risk any lives."[/color] The captain looked over the water as the sail suddenly blew up. They'd likely be making contact in a minute or two. [color=yellow]"And I dunno, you seem like a kid to me."[/color] Epiz rolled his eyes at Amen's counter-pun, before shouting something at the captain that pulled him over. They were likely going to make contact within a minute. Is there anything Ryssa would want to do as last minute preparation?