[hr][center][img]https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/1400/f5680f53522101.59377852a7113.png[/img][/center][hr][sub][color=FDAD07][b]Gateway City, California[/b] July 5th, 2018[/color][/sub] [indent][center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/d8bd2c585cb14f91a16f0ca1291a049b/tumblr_nz3mzt3xcR1suggjpo3_1280.jpg[/img][/center] Bekka’s hideout was quiet. The New God was still trying to contemplate the next step against the drug she had decided would be her first enemy. [color=FDAD07][i]Nepenthe and Neptune. Can’t say this planet’s criminals are talented in subtlety.[/i][/color] Bekka crossed her arms as she looked over the bulletin board in front of her – the beginning of her collecting information related to Nepenthe in the past several months. Where she couldn’t find newspaper clippings she printed out from articles online. It was a weird practice for a New God to have, but even when she was a child she had interest in archaic mediums. The Motherbox could collect all the information in the world and process it better than anything in the universe, but yet it still couldn’t live up to the flimsy and inaccurate medium of news that the earth humans reveled in. Orion once had teased her about it, telling her how she liked “old” and “broken” things and how strange it was for a warrior to be so fascinated with a scribe’s work. It was probably one reason why she felt so committed to Earth even if it was her refuge from Darkseid. The echo of his laughter ran through her mind, a reminder of what used to be and what she could never have again. A reminder of what Darkseid [i]took[/i] from her. It was a memory she wished she could erase, though she would never stoop to the levels of taking Nepenthe to do so. It was one of the many reasons why she couldn’t relate with the drug addicts she had vowed to save. She took a light breath, pressing her hands down as she looked over the articles for the eighty-sixth time. [color=FDAD07][i]These statements made by several of the thieves are nonsensical gibberish. What they do remember has nothing to do with the robberies. It’s like the Nepenthe is the beginning and the end for them.[/i][/color] Her eyes moved to the desk to her left, a personal laptop Bekka had been enhanced by her motherbox stood front-and-center. It may not have been an extravagant choice, but Bekka was good at using what limited resources she had. But then again ‘limited’ for Bekka was inconceivable to others. The wonders of the motherbox and what it could do were pretty impressive to those not accustomed to their wonders. [color=FDAD07][i]I just don’t have enough information to determine if this drug is chemical, supernatural, or technological. Or what the purpose of it all is. But I can’t wait longer until more information turns up. The homeless are being targeted and I’m the only one who can do anything about it. I don’t like going in blind, but I don’t have much of a choice.[/i][/color] Bekka just hoped she would be able to get to the bottom of this by scowering the harbor for “Neptune” and using her type of interrogation techniques to get some information before the Nepenthe could take effect. If that did not work the best she could do was destroy caches of the drug until it was enough to get her noticed by whoever was behind it. It wasn’t the best plan, but it was a plan.[/indent]