[@deadpixel101] I was told to do a review and honestly I was kind of avoiding doing so. So I remember the conversation we had about getting straight to point versus my long sheets. And while yes, my sheets were long, my descriptions are minimal a paragraph, and max two paragraphs. It is detailed, but it is simply detailed to get the picture. I am not trying to compare myself to you, what I am trying to point out is your simple philosophy bit you in the ass. All your character right now is Magic and Battle Profile, without a name. Who is Simon? Because I do not know who he is. Your description is great, but flat. You forgot all the emotions and hand gestures and body language people use. You forgot to make your character alive because we present our appearances physically. His personality is painfully plain. Generic flaws and generic strengths. And the tale. Makes me feel nothing. You just sum up stuff in the dryest exposition history that makes me shrugs. Who cares? Because I do not care. If you read the actual explanation of Arrival, it ask for their trials and tribulations. I got none of that from this sheet. Simon does not make me excited. And it is probably, and I mean no offense, why he hasn't been included in much of other's CS. Because no one knows who Simon is and to be honest, I really do not care at the state he is. Cool an engineer. But he has no personality.