Sofie followed Ed as he rushed downstairs, confusion painted on her face. "DAD!" Oh. Sofie looked closely at the man standing before her. He cleaned up pretty nice, with crisp corners and a handsome face. And when he smiled...Sofie frowned. It looked genuine. But what would Sofie know about genuine? She hadn't faced it one day of her life. [center]`'`[/center] [i]"Where is it? WHERE'S THE MONEY?" The man in front of her slammed his fist into the table, beer slopping onto it's surface. "I couldn't do it." Sofie looked down at the floor, at dirty flip flops and bloodied toes. "How hard is it to do THIS?" Her father snatched the kitchen knife from it's place on the counter and buried it in the table, barely missing Sofie's fingers as she moved her hand away. She clutched her sides, feeling a shake wind it's way up through her body. "You're USELESS." He pushed her and Sofie felt brick beneath her fingers. "I worked so hard to get you the task and you FUCK IT UP!" Her father's face loomed in front of her, his crackled lips, greasy face and bloodshot eyes staring her down. "I'm sorry...I just...need help." Sofie let herself grab the kitchen knife, hiding it behind her back. "You need help?" Her father instantly became quiet. He loved it when people needed help from him. He sat back down at the table and Sofie let out a soft sigh, moving to stand a few paces before him, near the door. "Yes. I messed up. I need your help." The words forced their way through her mouth. "Well, first of all you let the anger take control...[/i] [center]`'`[/center] Sofie realised that her fingernails were biting into her palms and unclenched her fists, just in time to shake Fenix's hand. "I am Fenix Valentine, substitute Martial Arts instructor here at Purcell and father of Edward Valentine. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, miss. Your name, if I may?" "It is a pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Valentine. My name is Sofie Heichenback, I look forwards to meeting you in Martial Arts!" Sofie let herself smile, giving his hand a soft shake. Afterwards, she shrunk back a little and adjusted her sweater uncomfortably. Her hands felt dirty all of a sudden, shamed and guilty.