[hider=Regret] The harsh Uzogobian sun was hotter than ever and Andris was walking as straight of a line as was possible. Every step came with burning pain and it didn’t help that his right arm was pulsing with pain, he touched the stump of where his arm had been it was almost unbearable. He checked his hand to see blood on his fingertips. He was bleeding again. Andirs couldn’t go any further. He was famished and hadn’t had anything to drink for days, he was completely exhausted. Soon he legs gave way and fell face first on the hot sand. “What a pitiful sight.” a voice said. The voice sounded strangely familiar, he looked up to see his younger self. He must have been in his late teens and was wearing a distinguishable noble suit. Andris looked like a pauper compared to him. “Your country is in ruins, your friends are either dead or have turned their back on you, your allies have little faith in you and you nearly got your family killed. Look have far you’ve fallen.” Then suddenly, blood started to seep from the sand, soon the desert became a lake of blood. Then the cries of all his fallen allies and countrymen became louder and louder until it became deafening. Andris couldn’t stand it and then he started to realise that the blood was rising, soon Andris started to sink down into the sea of blood. Swimming was hopeless with only his one arm. Andris soon accepted his fate and then everything went black. [/hider] [hider=A New Beginning] Andris woke up abruptly. “Another bad dream.” Andris said to himself quietly. He looked around the empty cabin, there was barely anything in it except for the bed, a chair and small window looking out to the sea. On the chair was a set of clothes. Andris was alone in the cabin but he could hear the sailors working hard on the ship outside. Andris slowly got out of the bed. He realised that the pain in his right arm had finally subsided. But it was strange, he could still feel his fingers of his right hand. It was a strange sensation but he knew it was one he would get used to. It took some time but eventually Andris had all his clothes on. It was immediately clear to him that these robes did not come from Uzgob. The shirt was a dark blue and on top of that was a light grey jacket both were customised to better suit what was left of his arm. The trousers were black and accompanied with a smart pair of black boots that perfectly fitted his feet. To go with the trousers were a brown belt with an empty scabbard attached to it. He thought he was finished until he saw a white frilly cravat. He picked it up and put it on. He wasn’t particularly fond of it and it was a bit tight around his throat but he knew he would get used to it as well. It had been a while since he had worn something so formal. He soon set off to the deck. The sun gleamed straight into his eyes but it truly was a sight. The sailors hard at work and the soldiers were training the best they could on the War Holk. The War Holk was largest sea vessel capable of being built by Formarothian shipbuilders, it could easily hold up to 300 infantry soldiers along with a few dozen crew members and catapult crew which consisted of a massive catapult and well armed boarding infantry. The Holk was propelled by three massive sails. The hull was sufficiently reinforced meaning that they would be ready if a battle was imminent. “Uncle Andris!” a voice cried. Andris turned to see Kabeera and Hamsa running straight towards them. The sheer force of them colliding into him knocked him over, all three of them laughed. Andris was glad to see the two of them so happy after all that happened, so many faces they knew were gone now, Nizaar, Saahir and now Lady Grim. After Andris had paid her for her services, Lady Grim had taken what remained of her company back to Seikatsu to replenish her loses. But all that was in the past. “All better now it seems.” Said Fajera who slowly approached. With the help of Kabeera and Hamsa, Andris stood up. “Yes. All the better for seeing you now.” Said Andris embracing his wife and giving her a kiss. “But what about you? You need your rest.” “I’ll be fine and besides someone needs to look after these two.” “I’ll take care of them you head back to the cabin and get some rest. The baby could arrive at any moment.” “Don’t worry about us Auntie!” said Kabeera. “You’ve done above and beyond.” Added Hamsa “Let Uncle Andris do some work for once. He needs all the practice he can get before the baby comes.” “Oh alright, but don’t be too long.” Said Fajera. “I’ll be back at soon as I can.” Andris replied. Fajera soon headed back to the cabin. Andris concern for her grew she had been working so hard in his stead when she should have been resting. She would need all the strength she could muster for when the baby came. It was now his turn to look after the kids. “Alright you two, how about you show me around the holk.” “Sure thing Uncle.” Said Kabeera excitedly. Hamsa led the way whilst Kabeera took Andris’ hand. Time had passed, Andris enjoyed the time he was spending with Kabeera and Hamsa it had been so long since he had spent any time with his family, not since he had left for Telmarion. He then realised that he hadn’t seen Hishma anywhere. “Kabeera? Hamsa? Do you know where Hishma is?” asked Andris. “Hishma’s at the bow of the Holk.” Said Hamsa. “It’s all she ever does, that and training herself.” Added Kabeera. “Alright I’ll go and find her, you go back to the cabin and check on your Aunt and tell her I’ll be back soon.” “Yes uncle.” Replied Hamsa. “See you soon Uncle.” Kabeera said as both walked back to the cabin. Andrew found his way to the bow of the ship. He found Hishma looking out to the sea and what remained of the Uzgobain fleet. “Mind if I join you.” Andris asked. “Of course.” Said Hishma. Andris joined and the two of them stood looking out to the sea. “Uncle, I’m sor…” Hishma tried to say. “You don’t need to apologise. You were right you know. Nizaar as well”. “What do you mean?” “I was selfish and arrogant. I lead the continent into a civil war just so I could get the throne, all under the pretense of righteousness. I was so focused on getting the crown that I lost sight what what was best for the kingdom and lost what truly mattered”. “And what are those?” “Well my country for a start, and most importantly my family. I lost one and I almost lost all of you too. I fooled myself into believing that I was saving the people of Formaroth from another tyrant, but I realise I was just driven by my own spit for the De Reimers. I did was wrong, if anyone needs to apologise it’s me. The past is the past and I’m just glad that you’re all safe.” “Regardless of that if it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t have lost your arm.” Hishma said “You did what you thought was right and it was my own bravado that caused me to lose my arm. But it’s fair to say that my fighting days are over. I heard you’ve been training.” “Yes, but it’s been hard without Nizaar here to teach me.” “Yes, well it’s fair to say that we’ll all miss him in a way. But since he’s not here, I’ll be your instructor to the best of my abilities.” “Are you sure?” “Of course, we’ll start first thing tomorrow.” To Andris’ shock, Hishma gave him a big hug. He did the same in return as best he could. For the first time in long while he finally felt he was at peace. However this was to be interrupted as one of the crew members of the Holk approached the two of them. “Ah Lord Mandarass, there you are.” “Yes, what is it?” ask Andris. “The war council have gathered together on the Caravel. They await your arrival.” “Tell them I’ll be there momentarily.” Replied Andris. “Of course.” Said the crew member as he went off to make the council aware. “Now you go on to your cabin Hishma.” Said Andris “Your aunt and sisters are waiting for you there. Tell them I’ll be back after I’ve sorted this meeting out.” “I will. She replied as she headed to the cabin. [/hider] [hider=A New Plan] Andris had arrived on the Caravel. It was slightly smaller than the Holk and less reinforced but it still served as a fine flagship for the navy. The caravel had been crafted in the Imperium and was far more advanced than any ship that could be made in Formaroth. Andris soon headed to the cabin to where the meeting was being held. As Andris entered the cabin he could see Maror Lanistark, Hemala Humber, both Freya and Robert Neptuna and Ian and Dilys Mazeltof who seemed to have taken charge whilst Andris was recovering. The group were deep in argument. It was understandable, most of them had their lands taken by either the Concord or the Blackwells. “I’m telling you its chaos back home!” Yelled Maror. “My idiot of a cousin Iago is actually welcoming the Blackwells and now rioting is happening throughout the land. If we don’t do something, I’ll lose everything.” “We can only do our best Maror but we have more pressing matters.” Replied Dilys. “Yes we do.” Added Andris as he entered the cabin. The whole cabin quieted down they were shocked to see him so soon. Some were shocked to see the stump of where his arm used to be. Andris could feel all the eyes on him. “Dilys is right, I’m sorry Maror but with the current state that we are in we are no position to fight an army like the Blackwells. The main concern is that we need to find some land to make a new stronghold for our forces, we can’t live on this fleet forever. We need a place which has food and is safe for our people. Do any of you have any suggestions? “We could always try to the south of Formaroth and try to ally with the Southern Alliance, if we went to them they may take us in, bolster our numbers and strengthen both of our Alliances.” Suggested Hemela. “We could.” Replied Andris “But knowing the south they will never accept us into their territory and even if they did, we only attract the attention of both the Blackwells and the Concord. I’m sorry Hemela but it’s too risky. Anyone else?” “We could always try the land of Seikatsu. We could offer our services to one of the Waring lords and maybe in return they would help us.” Suggested Freya. “I’m sorry Lady Neptuna.” Interrupted Andris “But that is out of the question. I will not offer our services to war torn land, we have our own problems to deal with and we’re better than the common mercenary troupe.” “Then what would you suggest then Lord Mandarass.” Asked Maror. Andris pondered as he looked at the world map that was laid out in front of him “Here.” Said Andris as he pointed to the map. His finger had landed on the island of Deliverance. It had plenty of farmland during the summer season and there was plenty of space for the entire navy to dock. “It does have everything that we need.” Said Robert. “Then are we all agreed that this is the best course of action?” The council members looked at each other they were weren’t convinced at first but with a little persuasion they all eventually agreed to the plan. Andris knew they would have to get there soon before either Alasdair or Giles decided to come for them. “That land is owned by the pirate king Morian, if we want Deliverance, we will need to go through him first." [/hider]