The Juz’ dragged his tools along with him as he walked towards the engine room and ate a ration bar to compensate for the energy that he had burned on their earlier adventure. On the way there, he had coincidentally met up with the human from earlier: the loud one. In a fit of courtesy, he still greeted the man with a [color=7B68EE]“Hey, you going to the engine room too?”[/color] but it was said more like a statement than a question. [color=00FF00]"Excellent, I needed to speak with you both,”[/color] instead responded a monotonous and robotic voice. Koren looked at the source and saw SAL who was reminding them about their duties as well as giving them a run down on what the main issue was. He nodded and thanked the robot as he passed him by, noting to download the terminal note so he wouldn’t have to keep going back to the terminal if he ever needed to re-read anything. When he was there, he waited for the man, Harry or something, to finish reading before he copied the files and read through them on his holo watch. The Harry person was the first to talk to him as he was busy skimming through the damage reports and notes. [color=3399ff]"There's a couple up there that I can't reach without climbing all over the engine. I don't know what you can do, but i figured you might be able to help there,"[/color] the man directed to the visible leaks nearby and Koren visually followed said directions while still trying to steal glances at the robot’s notes. When Harry was about to tamper with one of the pipes, Koren immediately blurted out [color=7B68EE]“You probably shouldn’t do that,”[/color] as he held back Harry’s arm back so he wouldn’t do anything that would make their repairs any harder. [color=7B68EE]“I’m not sure of your skills but you should turn off the pressure for the fuel and hyper-fuel lines first.”[/color] With that, he sends a request to turn off the main lines for the fuels and coolants to opt for the auxiliary lines instead. [color=7B68EE]“If we get granted this, we’re going to stop for a few minutes,”[/color] he told his companion. While waiting for the go signal, he whistled for Unaysah to come to him, to which the spider happily scuttled into the engine room with a curious chitter. [color=7B68EE]“Tag the breaks, okay?”[/color] said the Juz’ as he opened his trolley and dropped a few glowing liquid-like material by the spider’s back. As if understanding, the spider started walking around and marking all leaking pipes that she could find with her now glowing webbing thanks to the glowing liquid that marks her back. When the permission to turn off the lines were granted, Koren made his way to turning off the main valves through the engine console, prompted a line drain, and turned on the auxiliary lines to keep the ship from moving though with less power. All of which took a good amount of time to do because of how large the ship was. [color=7B68EE]“We can follow Unaysah’s markings. She should have marked most of it already so it should be easier. But I’m going to need you to man the console for now. Just to make sure that we don’t have any fuel or coolants doing returns to the lines. SAL’s notes said something about bad valve seals. When the pipes are around 25% finished, you should be able to fix most of the damages here without climbing. I’ll go at the top.” [/color] [hider=My Hider] Tagged= [@Crossfire], [@superservo27] [/hider]