[h1][center][color=Orange]The Descent[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] The space between... It was an astounding sight, though you likely had very little attention span to spend on 'looking' at the space outside your ships, given that it seemed to be trying to tear them apart every moment you spent in it, all while careening towards what appeared to be a rocky planetoid that would spell eventual doom... Still it was a surreal display, It wasn't like normal space, where it was just black with starry dots allover. The Between Space looked as though it was flooded with nebulae, colors every which way you could look, though there 'was' black, and definitely the presence of stars, it was a rarity amidst all the colors, more so than the presence of strange phenomena that made no sense, like a massive flower visible in the distance, growing out of one of the nebulae, or another that produced a mountain the size of a planet, supposedly. There were even strange little gear-forged objects floating around producing light, though it may not even be clear to those in a panick. One point of interest though, It wasn't unbreathable, though those in ships may not have the focus to notice this amidst the panic, those drifting through on their own may notice... though it also brought with it a sensation of being watched, far too closely, too deeply... though it was at least more merciful on those drifting along... or perhaps not, depending on one's perspective. It didn't last long though, it was barely a minute before it ceased, though 'how' it ceased may have spurred more panic as well, as a wave of fire was emanated from the approaching planetoid, or more accurately, from the small sun orbiting it, washing over those being drawn towards it, though the sense of impending fiery doom was another anomaly that did not pan out as expected, as it harmlessly washed over hull and flesh alike, bringing with it a sense of protectiveness, along with an absence of whatever had been threatening the ships... though it didn't slow the descent towards the planet, those who'd been drifting free seemed to suddenly find themselves on the surface, as if swept up by some force that sought to save them. [hr] [h1][center][color=Red]The Arrival[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] Those remaining would find themselves plummeting towards what 'looked' like a solid wall of stone... and yet, once more expectations were dashed as the ship barreled right through it, revealing it to be an illusion, and continuing to fall straight a short distance through more familiar airless 'Space' and into an atmosphere, one that seemed to, remarkably, resist their fall to a degree... Alas, while this did slow their descent, it did not prevent terminal velocity and resulted in far greater friction pulling at the hull, until it finally touched down... heh, 'touched' More like cratered and trenched, sending up dirt, rocks, and tree that would scatter for miles from the untold tonnages impacting the land-scape, half burying the ships in question and likely creating whole new land-marks from the scale of destruction. Those involved in the crashed certainly would not bear witness to the panic their arrival had spread around the nation they had landed in, but it would not be long before a reaction was inevitable. [edited in!]Granted, it was also smack in the middle of the night, A reaction wasn't likely to come until there was enough light to even 'try' to see inside the forest... right? [hr] [h1][center][color=magenta]Captain Cloak's Clunker[/color][/center][/h1] [hider=ship image] I didn't make a CS for it, because's pretty much going to be a slag heap xD [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/fee1/i/2013/008/3/3/heavy_airship_design_by_michalkus-d5qw4bf.jpg[/img] [/hider] The timing was honestly astounding... To think, several parties subjected to Inter-dimensional anomalies at the same time as a battle in the Zea in the vicinity of the World in question, the context for it was zero, the only relevent detail to those falling would be that one of the ships from it's midst was sent down in a flaming heap in the same direction as those who'd been brought here... Alas, even though this ship seemed safe from the destructive effects visited on the others, it was in considerably worse condition, given that it was vomiting fire from several places and missing whole chunks of the ship... That said, when it finally crashed it formed an unmistakable landmark near the middle of the forest, a great spire of metal jabbing up out of the ground, with fires spewing out of it and into the nearby forest, and a plume of smoke rising up into the sky.