[quote=@Master Bruce] EDIT: Shit. Got beaten to it. But yeah, let's just say that prior to 2009, Batman was in the same boat as every other superhero when it came to gaming. Except for Superman, who seems continually the most shit on in terms of video gaming. There are multiple X-Men games and at least one Wolverine game better than every single Superman game. And Spider-Man, while having a great early 2000's succession of games, eventually suffered a downward spiral soon after Spider-Man 2 raised the bar by introducing free-roam. I'm hoping that the PS4 Spider-Man game breaks the curse that he's had with sub-par videogame outings, but I dunno. I've been burned too many times. [/quote] I'll be amazed if Spider-Man PS4 isn't baseline good. Insomniac are some of the best developers out there, and everything they've shown from the game looks great. Except for Electro's design...but alas apparently everyone sucks when attempting to redesign Electro. [quote=@Retired] Ultimate Spider-Man is great. The city travel alone is fun. [/quote] Ultimate was a lot of fun. [quote=@Hexaflexagon] Mhmmm, while I can't say that I agree with Bill Willingham on many of his personal and political views. The man knows how to make a good comic book. [/quote] The first few volumes of Fables are incredible.