[b]Moon of Auraxis Zion System Year, 5777[/b] [i]For nearly fifteen years, I had been living in peace with my wife and child. My wife Tanaris and I had run away from what would have sure been hell. It was best for us… for Enric especially. They would have hunted us down if we didn’t leave Zion. Even now, writing this, I choke down my tears… I am tired of this sadness inside of me. I know it is not what Tanaris would have wanted. She always said she loved my smile. Always said Enric had it. Maybe… but he’ll always have her eyes. A deep gold that glows in the darkness. Some found it unsettling… I… I always found them enthralling. I couldn’t help but stare at times. Looking at Enric now, his eyes always remind me of his. Anyway… enough about the past… I fear that Four has found us. Just yesterday I found a Paragon drone near the farm. I’ve had no sleep since then. Enric doesn’t have to know… Just in case I have prepared a pack with essentials and other things so that he can escape through the tunnels and get to the city. It isn’t the safest place, but Tanaris told him what he needed to do in the event anything happened to ether of us. If the big men dressed in black come to the house, run… Those were her orders. I know Enric knows it. I don’t know if Enric has ever realized in the danger we live daily. I hope he never realizes it. At least, not fully. As for me. I am growing old. I’m tired of running away… I am ready for whatever comes next. Enric… if you ever find this, I’m sorry I never told you the truth. Read my journals… you will know then. Even if we never showed it. Even when we seemed so far away. We always loved you…[/i] Doctor Telsh closed his journal. An old leather cover paper journal. A rarity these days, but the most reliable. It was one of a set of journals he had made. All of them stored in that bag he would give his son if he ever needed to run. He sighed as he placed the last one within the backpack and stored it under his desk. A beeping sound from one of the far off sensors located outside the farm alerted him to visitors. Grabbing his pistol he rushed to the entrance... Meanwhile, Enric played outside. A kite, made with a plastic yellow sheet and a pair of wooden sticks flew with the wind. Smiling, he imagined it as if it were the ships that passed over their farm several times a day. “One day… I’ll fly one of those ships. You’ll see.” The boy assured, making noises of a ship engine with his mouth. The sound of the door made him turn to see his father run out past him and looking over the many hills that dotted the green landscape of the moon. Telsh’s eyes widened as a black ship went over the hill and toward them. “Enric! In the house, now!” He told his son, running back to the home. Enric dropped his kite and sprinted toward their home. Once inside, Telsh fetched the pack and gave it to the twelve-year old. “Son… listen to me very carefully. Remember what your mother had said? About the tunnels.” “Dad…” “I need you to go. Run… far away from here, understand?” “But why…?” The boy was on the verge of tears. First his mother had vanished and now… he had to leave his father behind. Tensh hugged him, holding back his own tears. “Please. Trust me. I want you to be safe. Go…” Nodding, the boy headed off to the hatch hidden beneath a rug in the living room. “Enric…” Said Tensh, his voice breaking. Enric turned, as he opened the hatch. “I love you.” “I love you too, dad…” “Go… get away from here!” As the hatch closed and Enric vanished within the tunnels, Tensh took a deep breath and hid the pistol under his brown trench coat. Stepping outside, he began a slow walk toward the new arrivals. Their ship had long since landed, and the group of five men began to approach the farm. The doctor and the group met in the middle of the field in front of the home. Five men, four of them wore perfectly plain black suits and hats, along with sunglasses. While the man in the center, he stood out the most. A black trench coat covered most of his body, while a long trimmed hat sat on his head. What was visible of his skin, mostly his face was pitch black. And his eyes glowed an intense purple. Tensh tensed up as he saw the man but stood his ground. “Doctor Tensh…” Said the purple-eyed man at least, his voice was cold, and sounded almost like a whisper. Even though Four was hundreds of years old, he maintained the appearance of a young man in his twenties. Even when he looked almost malnutritioned… “Four…” Muttered the doctor. “You know what we have arrived for. Return the child.” Demanded Four. “He was never yours. Nor will he ever be…” Almost 30 feet away, a boy with yellow eyes watched. Enric couldn’t help himself… he felt he needed to know who his father had been so afraid all these years. However, upon seeing the men in suits he hid. A mixed feeling of curiosity and fear held him in place. He hid between a set of tall of grass and watched. “I do not wish to harm you, Doctor Tensh. Your expertise are still valuable to this company.” Four took a step forward along with his guards. In response, the doctor shook his head in denial. “It is all we are to you. Assets… Never again!” As he said that, Tensh drew his pistol. A flurry of directed-energy flew across the air hitting the four guards in their torsos. They fell to the grass with loud thuds. “That was a mistake…” Hissed Four as he grabbed Tensh by his neck, raising him in the air. Looking up, Tensh saw the grotesque face of the man threatening to snap his neck with a single hand. Part of Four’s jaw was part skeleton, a pitch black bone that showed under the remaining thin yet young looking skin. An injury by Tanaris no doubt… “Tell me!” He yelled, squeezing the doctor’s neck. A weak “no” escaped Tensh’s lips. At that moment, Four tensed his grip enough to snap Tensh,s neck. Going limp, Four tossed the body on the ground. Running from his hiding place, Enric emerged but stopped as Four laid eyes on the boy. “Dad…” He muttered, before the realization finally hit him full force. Enric’s eyes widened and tears fell down from his eyes. “Father!” He screamed, as Four grinned. At that moment, the guards who had seemingly died sprung back to life. With a wave of his hand, the four men in black began to slowly walk toward the boy. Terrified and still processing what had happened he began to take steps backwards. Then, he turned and ran. Even when the plants cut at his arms he kept running and running. Reaching an exit of the tunnel he opened the hatch and hoped in, closing it above him. Sliding down the tunnel wall, Enric brought his knees to his chest and began to cry. His mother disappeared… and now, his father… what had happened. Enric felt confused and alone… Regardless… something in his mind snapped and that made him stand up. Something told him to keep going. He needed to go to the city. No matter what…