[quote=@Saint Girralo] I’m interested, but if we come up with a vault we should also come up with what the experiment was for that vault. After all most vaults had a specific experiment (I.E. Vault 111- Cryostasis) or is that what was meant by Vault quirk? [/quote] Yup! So if be really happy if you guys started a conversation about that. I have a few ideas [hider=Vault ideas] Vault. Diseased vault. Immune to sickness, poisons and can eat off food. (Not immune to radiation) This vault was used to test and build dwellers immunities. Unfortunately the diseases grew and mutated faster than most people could adapt and because of this the population remained low. The sick, fearing death, often misbehaved. Dark vault. Character can see in low light and have advanced hearing and smell. This one simply was not ready when the bombs fell. To make matters worse the impact caused damage to the power generators. Power was a scarce commodity. The dwellers managed to adapt and make ends meet. AI vault. AI companion. This vault is leisure and luxury at its finest. (And laziness!) The overseer is an advanced AI that eventually kicks them out for their own good. [/hider] Vaults could also specialise in tech and not everyone has to have the same quirk, it just needs to fit in the vaults theme. Sorry about delays, works been a killer. If I could see some character sheets it would help me build the initial exit events and get a vibe for game style. This will eventually go sand box but I will lead/direct the start. Sorry and thanks for hanging in there ;)