[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjEwNi45ODVlMWIuUVhKamFHbGlZV3hrSUU1cFkyOWtaVzExY3csLC4wAA,,/nude-fude.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/239/443/f71.png[/img][/center] [color=peru]Age:[/color][color=khaki] 10[/color] [color=peru]Species:[/color][color=khaki] Dhampir: Dhampirs work a little differently than a normal vampire. First off is their ability to withstand sunlight, though it still burns their skin terribly and hurts to stand in for long periods of time, it won't ultimately lead to their demise on its own. But their skin isn't the only thing sensitive to light, their eyes are also sensitive to light, this is both a perk and a hindrance. In the light they find it much harder to see, while in darkness they can see much better. Though their ideal environment is one of low light. Dhampir are also susceptible to any form of celestial magics, and are unable to be healed using celestial magic instead getting hurt by it. Dhampirs also have very weak empath abilities, getting very weak signals from people when they are in a state of intense emotion. They receive the signals like a faint static, or a fuzzy feeling. The different emotions only have very small differences in the signals they send, making this an ability that can't be used well without a good deal of training. Dhampirs also get slight physical enhancements being a little stronger than normal humans, but these enhancements are hardly noticeable on an untrained body. A Dhampir who's never worked in his life isn't going to be beating any form of laborer in an arm wrestling competition. Lastly comes a Dhampirs slightly enhance healing ability, making them recover from wounds almost ten times as fast as a human, while this healing isn't going to help them in the midst of combat it will make them able bodied and ready to fight again much faster than others. [/color] [color=peru]Description:[/color][color=khaki] Archibald Insists on wearing simpler cheap clothes, not getting the whole deal with fancy clothes. Although he's a Dhampir his appearance is on the human side lacking any actual hint of being half vampire. He is a rather small boy for his ages, only being 133.6cms tall and weighs about 20 kilograms. Any trinkets he carries are either on his belt or in his backpack.[/color] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmM1YmI2My5VR1Z5YzI5dVlRLCwuMAAAAAAA/paintypaint.1.png[/img][/center] [color=peru]Strengths[/color] - [color=khaki]Archibald is a playful kid, always goofing around with friends and family, though he dose understand that sometimes things need to be taken seriously. He is also very respectful towards older people making sure to behave when around adults. He'll also listen to his elder sibling almost without question. Being around other people is one of the things Archibald love, being a highly social kid. This is also where his love for helping others comes from, because helping others makes them like you, while sometimes even letting you spend time with them, so it's honestly a win win in Archibald's eyes, though some may take advantage of this quality. Archibald is a firm believer that sharing is caring, and Archibald cares a lot about those around him, even total strangers sometimes receive charity from Archibald. He's the kind of boy who would give you a loaf of bread if you were hungry, even if he himself was starving.[/color] [color=peru]Flaws[/color] - [color=khaki]Archibald isn't the bravest child, in fact startling him is almost too easy most of the time, a simple tap on the shoulder can get him when he's not expecting it. But he's not only jumpy, also being easy to intimidate. Someone who's a foot taller than him could intimidate him if they tried, let alone terrifying monsters of the forest. Archibald is incredibly Naive, he sees the good in everyone and everything, sometimes completely missing obvious bad things or tricks. Offering help to anyone who may need it, sometimes ending in him possibly helping bad people do bad things, not figuring out what's going on until it's too late. Archibald has a tendency to get sidetracked or distracted, sometimes it's by something small like a fly buzzing around him or perhaps a bird off in the distance. Archibald is also kind of. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, his probably not going to be the one figuring out a puzzle in a dungeon.[/color] [color=peru]Neutral[/color] - [color=khaki]Archibald doesn't really have a hobby, mostly because he can't really sit in one place long enough to find one. Though a good way to stop Archibald moving is to place an animal on his lap, Archibald could sit around for hours simply patting a cat or a dog, or any animal for that matter. There are few things that give Archibald the same sense of wonder or amazement that Animals do. Even magical creatures aren't safe from Archibald's love, though the more scary aggressive ones are avoided for obvious reasons. Another way to get Archibald to sit still is with the delicious promise of food, for a small boy Archibald can eat a huge amount. And Family dinners are the reason he lives and breathes, loving the experience hanging out with his family while also stuffing his face with yummy food. Though he's not a critic when it comes to food, eating just about anything you put in front of him. Piggy back rides. Doesn't matter if he's receiving one of giving one, piggy back rides never fail to make Archibald smile. Archibald loves throwing his hands into the air as someone runs around with him on their shoulders. And if there is one thing Archibald dreads aside from losing loved ones. It's the day when he gets too big for piggy back rides.[/color] [color=peru]Skills:[/color][color=khaki] Archibald has the uncanny ability to start fires. He's mastered the art of raising and maintaining a flame. It could be a campfire or it could be a fireplace, either way he can make the fire just right. But don't expect him to cook or anything, he struggles not burning things. Though Archibald can't do the spinny stick thing, he normally starts his fires using Bang and Spark. Archibald is also surprisingly good at climbing, though he can't compete with animals he's still pretty darn quick for a kid.[/color] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjg4LjYzNjM2My5RbUYwZEd4bElIQnliMlpwYkdVLC4xAAA,/jmh-wulfila.wulfila-regular.png[/img][/center] [color=Gray]Focal Crystal:[/color][color=silver] Archibald's focal crystal is a half and half crystal, the top half being a vibrant orange and the bottom half being light gray stone. He holds it like a candle when he uses it. Archibald always keeps his Focal crystal on his belt.[/color] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://picmia.com/img/929598.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=Gray]Special Equipment:[/color][color=silver] Archibald has a pair of enchanted flint stones called Bang and Spark, now on their own they are nothing special. But when used together they can create small balls of fire, perfect for starting campfires or lighting torches.[/color] [color=Gray]Equipment:[/color][color=silver] Archibald doesn't carry many personal item, though he always makes sure to have a spare hoodie and bandanna on him, in case he needs to go outside. He always wears his trusty backpack, it's tough as nails and has clearly gone through many years of [i]love[/i] as is clear when looking at it's rather weathered form.[/color] [color=Gray]Weapon:[/color][color=silver] He has a boomerang. And using it properly is one of the most impressive thing he can do. It's not enchanted or anything, so if the boomerang doesn't come back then he has to go and retrieve it. Though it is mostly used as a club, or being thrown to trip up a fleeing target.[/color] [color=Gray]Special Attack:[/color][color=silver] Bite. Archy has a nasty bite, and if he feels inclined to use it against you, get ready for a deceptively powerful set of teeth powered rather strong jaw. This put together make a bite from Archy a particularly nasty thing, though it's mostly ineffective against armoured creatures like giant Arthropods or crustaceans. [/color] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjEwOGRmZS5UV0ZuYVdNZ2NISnZabWxzWlEsLC4w/denka.demo.png[/img][/center] [color=cornflowerblue]Magic Lv:[/color][color=skyblue]5[/color] [color=cornflowerblue]Spellbook:[/color][color=skyblue] Archibald's spellbook isn't super fancy. It's simple and gets the job done, this is a feature that is fairly common with Archibald in general. It's a well made leather journal, it's sturdy and has taken a lot of loving at this point, how it still remains in one piece is a mystery (Even to Archibald). Archibald keeps it stashed in his bag at all times.[/color] [hider=My Hider] [img]https://prodimage.images-bn.com/pimages/9781402811937_p0_v2_s550x406.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=cornflowerblue]School of Focus:[/color] [color=skyblue]Archibald focus is on water magic. [i]splash[/i][/color] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjVjZTZmZi5VM0JsYkd4ei4wAAAA/denka.demo.png[/img][/center] [center][h2][color=skyblue]Lesser spells[/color][/h2][/center] [color=cornflowerblue]Tap:[/color] [color=skyblue]The spell tap is very simple, it makes a slow jet of water much like a kitchen sink would. The water can come from any exposed area on the hand, be it just one finger or the entire palm of your hand. It's not intended to be used as a direct attack. It finds much more use in survival situations, like filling a water bottle or a cooking pot. What makes this spell unique is that the water it produces doesn't magically evaporate like most other water based spells, as it's purpose is to provide water.[/color] [color=cornflowerblue]Water bomb:[/color][color=skyblue] This spell has a little bit of [i]umph[/i] compared to Tap, though it is still very weak. It's just a simple water ball projectile, but water to the face can be mighty annoying for most creatures. It' can be rapidly fired if needed. It's main use is as an annoyance but given the right target it can be very useful.[/color] [color=cornflowerblue]Bucket:[/color][color=skyblue]This spell a weak form of hydrokinesis that allows you to control a buckets worth of water. Archy requires a water sauce to pulls from in order to use this spell, so Bucket and Tap make a great great combination.[/color] [center][h2][color=cornflowerblue]Intermediate spells[/color][/h2][/center] [color=cornflowerblue]Tendril:[/color][color=skyblue] Tendril is used to summon tentacle like appendages made of water. They are mainly used to restrain enemies holding them down like watery chains, though they can also strike targets with a considerable amount of force. Though they don't have to be used in combat situations and a creative enough mind could find many different uses.[/color] [color=cornflowerblue]Misc Battle Info:[/color][color=skyblue] Archibald isn't much of a combatant normally preferring to be more of an annoyance. This isn't to say he can't damage opponents, he's just not much of a up close fighter and lacks a strong form of ranged attack at the moment.[/color] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LjE0YjgwMC5XVzkxY2lCVVlXeGwuMAA,/berton.roman-regular.png[/img][/center] [color=forestgreen][h2]Arrival:[/h2][/color][color=darkseagreen] Some things in this world are never meant to be, frowned upon by society and shunned into the shadows and left there to rot. Archibald is one of those things. Born into a family that was not meant to be, in a place where he'd never be accepted. Archibald's parents were not meant to be together, at least that's how society sees it so they were forced into hiding their relationship from the rest of the world. Viola Nicodemus was Archibald's mother, and she had fallen in love with a Vampire. But this wasn't the usual case where a Vampire would lure a woman in and prey on her. The love was mutual between the pair. Arcadis Valkyr was the Vampire who'd be bewitched by Archibald's mother, and he was beautiful, even by vampire standards. They kept their relationship concealed for half a year, till Viola fell with child. The result of their forbidden romance now visible to everyone. In only a week Viola had become incredibly anxious, worried that everyone would somehow find out about her and Arcadis and that not only her life, but that of her child was at risk. Months drifted by as she continued to worry. And no matter what her beloved said she would continue to do so, the child was not even born yet and she worried for its life, it was tearing her apart. But the thought of finally bringing this child into the world was the thing that kept her going. Then the time finally came to bring the child into the world finally drew upon Viola, she had to make the journey out of town so she could be with her beloved at the moment of their child's birth. The trip was arduous, pushing the pregnant woman far more than was healthy. But meeting up with Arcadis was more than worth the effort. Their meeting should have been something of unimaginable joy, but when Viola got to the meeting place and found Arcadis with a somber look on his face. Her heart sank. The news he brought threw all of their plans into turmoil, it seemed that Vampires were just as against their partnership as humans were and they now hunted Arcadis for his actions. This presented his parents with a choice. It was either they dragged their child around the land with them as they ran from Vampires and humans alike, or find a safe home for their child. Although the choice broke their hearts, they knew they couldn't drag their child into their situation. The couple only needed to think for a moment before Viola remembered hearing about the charitable Gertrude and the many children she'd given homes. While Viola didn't know Gertrude personally, the tales of her charity had traveled around. And it seemed that if anyone was going to accept their little Archy. It would be Gertrude. After cherishing the one moment they would ever have as a family, Viola would leave Arcadis so she could quietly creep to Gertrude's mansion. The trip was even more arduous than when she was carrying the babe in her stomach, each step bringing her closer to the time where she'd never see her child again. When she finally made it to the door of the mansion she was in tears. Her hands trembled as she lowered her child onto the doorstep of Gertrude's mansion, her little Archibald was going to be happy here, she felt it. After saying her final goodbye she vanished off into the night, leaving Archibald to be found crying on Gertrude's doorstep.[/color] [color=forestgreen]Theme Song:[/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRBLfJ6_i4o[/youtube]