[hr][hr][center][h1][color=ED455F]Sara Grey[/color][/h1][img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/de8d897978ce265be34d42460340e87f/tumblr_inline_o9kn5tgj3D1rifr4k_500.gif[/img][hr][color=ED455F][b]Location[/b][/color]: Stark Tower [/center][hr][hr] Sara listened to all the parties talk. Especially when Charlie mentioned the other X-men. Sara knew all too well that the relationship with the past X-men and their current roster was not so good anymore. Aunt Jean made that clear in their conversations. Still, she knew that Jean would look at what happened with open eyes and realize that something was wrong. Would she seek them out? Would she seek her out? She didn't know. [color=ED455F]"I mean, what do you expect? We can't go to Jakobsen and be like 'Hey, we know you tried to capture us and sent Sentinels after us.' Like, he would deny the hell out of it and he has the support of majority of the country, not to mention this British chick and if James Bond films have taught me anything, it's that British chicks are crafty people. If we are going to go at him, we need to do so secretly. Which also means we can't have all of us go. Would he know our faces? This seems like suicide to me, quite frankly."[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][color=FFD9E9]Allison Andrews[/color][/h1][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/c464434cba0714d6865128aa0a0d3a26/tumblr_mh70geHPO21qghwxto1_500.gif[/img][hr][color=FFD9E9][b]Location[/b][/color]: Stark Tower: Med Bay -> Main Area [hr][hr] [/center] Allison woke up, blinking to get rid of the blurriness. She could hear people talking nearby. She sat up carefully and glanced over, seeing the silver haired woman on one of the beds and Lance talking to Bethany and Hank, along with Bruce. It occurred to her that no one was fretting over her. She had exerted herself too. Not that she was downplaying the silver haired woman's achievement. After all, she was being shot at too. But shouldn't someone be checking on her. [color=FFD9E9][i]"Typical. I get the short end of the stick, yet again."[/i][/color] Not even Ayita was here to check on her. She stood up and made her way across the room towards the exit. She inched across the hallway, letting her thoughts race. [color=FFD9E9][i]"We save the fricken' world and then this jackass sends Snetinels after us! This is a bunch of bullshit."[/i][/color] She made her way towards the main area, seeing the others around the TV, showing a newscast with the X-mansion (or what's left of it). She heard snippets of conversation as she made her way over. It seemed like the others had the idea of going to face him head on. She wouldn't mind that if it was anyone but Mary that suggested it. The girl clearly could not lead. After all, the first mission led to Oshea's death and the second led to all of this. [color=FFD9E9]"I wouldn't mind going after him, but Sara has a point. Pretty stupid to even think of it."[/color] She glared at Mary before continuing. [color=FFD9E9]"They are going to keep after us, so I think we need to fight back. However we do it, we do it quickly. Don't give them a chance to regroup. For all we know, they are plotting to take us at this tower now."[/color]