Lorag was quick to become stern and stoic, particularly as Janius brought the attention of the pack onto him. "Rarely." He answered, offering no indication that he intended to elaborate at all. "We have had people keeping an eye on [i]her[/i] in the city since we located her, but there has not been any signs of strange activity from the traitor. At least, nothing that our contacts have seen." Meesei commented. She doubted that Lorag would be willing to open up on the subject, but she at least did want to let him know that it would be an option to travel to the city. Ahnasha too understood that Lorag did not like to be pressed on anything relating to Harriet or his potential daughter, so she spoke carefully. "Well, whatever you choose to do, me and Fendros might end up going to Cheydinhal. If you wanted to come along, for whatever reason, you could. Of course, that is [i]if[/i] we go." She said, looking somewhat nervously towards Fendros. "I know my family has been pestering me in their letters that they want to meet yours. I can think of so many ways that could go wrong, but I am starting to run out of excuses to give them."