[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/51/4b/a9/514ba9fa525179c381d8fbc1ea8592d8.jpg[/img] Tarian Dock workers, May 1905 as they start on the Tyson Class [hider= Dear Toubres] May 9th, 1905 Dear Empress, Thank you for your treaty offer, as we were going over the treaty you proposed the unexpected and happy marriage of yourself and the King of Illesia occured. While we are happy and congraulate you on the marriage, Empress Susanette de Jaloie has decided to not sign the treaty as of today because of your union with Illesia the Empress feels like this union has oversighted the Empire's friendship with Toubres. Having Illesia in this union has made the Empress feel providing things like a defensive alliance moot due to Illesia's proximity to Toubres compared to Tara. At this time we've sent your diplomat home with a bottle of Taran scotch as a gift for your marriage, good day and bless your marriage may it bring you happiness and health. Warm regards, Jesus Al-Teboro, Foreign Affairs Minister Coastal Empire of Tara.[/hider] In the [u]Steelcastle Shipyards[/u] after a brief meeting with navy officials the factories supervisors and managers hold a floor meeting with the almost five thousand workers on the floor. Work had been slow in the recent months due to a lack of demand for naval ships for the navy, however things changed today when Admiral Tanik Reganzi appeared with orders to draw upon the skills and strength of the workers of Steel Castle Shipyards Dock #1 to begin the construction of a Tyson battleship. The workers cheered as a resurgence of work would help break the mental menial work of creating rods, hot works and the other general duties a factory worker had been performing for the few months of inaction they did incur. Recruiting offices opended in the captial and other cities such as Eugai, Yaron-North, Yaron-South, Dundas, Sheperdville & Topez. A new campaign calling for peacekeeping forces and a strong military echoed the sentiment of naval and army recruiters, with a call for enlisted men some men showed up in Rio Carzano today to inquire about the military. One Taran, aged 17 named Kali spoke to a reporter. "I'm from Rio Carzano and I want to kill Toubrian rebels!" when asked why Kali responded with "They'll come for the Tarantine and then us, someone has to stop them, someone has to save those Toubrians." In the Tarantine Serranthia in the colonial (provincial) captial of Kazorski a recruiting office opended up aswell as satielle sites in villages in the Serranthia. The offices are opended nine to five, the government hopes for a increased volunteer military to help boost colonial holdings and international operations abroad, while unknown as of yet some Tarans hope that the adventure will take them to other parts of the world were they can help people. [Hider=my rolls] +1 all orders[/hider] [/center]