[color=gray][right][i]Time is an illusion, But memories never forget.[/i].[/right] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lNnPcGc.png?1[/img] [hr][/center] [indent][indent] As Raiko tried to catch his breath, the silver gleam in his eyes saw the staff that she was holding. He couldn’t make heads or tails about what it did, but something about him did seem oddly familiar. It wasn’t right in his face, but something about the way it was carved and the shape of it that brought a sense of familiarity to him. But it wasn’t the kind that he felt he should be worried about. Truth be told, it gave off a subtle, warm glow. He didn’t know if this woman caught onto this, but instead of harming him like it would do to most demons, it seemed to be restoring enough of his lost reserves that would allow Raiko to stand up without feeling fatigued. When he dusted off his body, the blades of grass and dirt that had gathered all over his loose pants and white top fall to the ground they originally came from. He couldn’t help but listen to the woman foolishly do something for the creeps that wouldn’t leave her alone. That wasn’t a good idea, but then again, he had done his job. Okay, it wasn’t his job. He wanted to save the pretty lady from the evil humans. It was his [i]pleasure[/i]. After all, nobody else was going to do it. Raiko looked at the priestess as she seemed to be lost in some kind of train of thought. Throughout this entire moment, she couldn’t seem to take her eyes off of him. Raiko then smiled, though his eyes wouldn’t leave the sight of her staff, then it went to her face. Back and forth his gaze went between the girl and her staff, the staff and the girl, the girl and her eyes, the girl and her body. And what a body it seemed to be. And then, with no warning at all, the hopes of [i]exploring[/i] that sacred land came to a speeding halt. [color=b5484b]“You’re welcome!”[/color] Raiko intentionally yelled, making sure she heard him. Shrugging, Raiko looked around him. The girl from before had been long gone - well, he still saw her, but she was about a mile away. No longer up close and personal as she was just a moment ago. The more he thought about her, the more he couldn’t get that staff out of his mind. [color=b5484b]“Why was it so goddamn familiar?!”[/color] He scratched his head, nearly picking a scab that had dried up from a week ago. As he did, briefly, Raiko had a flash of a memory from his past. The sight of a tree. And the blurred image of someone sitting on it. It was quick but something about it was just as familiar as it was with the staff. The half-demon had to know more about this staff. He knew that Ryoshi nor the other demons at the mountain would like what he was about to do, but they knew that Raiko was an impulsive boy. He never thought ahead. Oh well. With the decision already being made, Raiko casually ran the way that priestess was heading. He just had to know and following her was bound to give him the answers he wanted. [/indent][/indent][/color]