Keilara did not hesitate to move at the orders of the older Jedi, though her mind seemed to spin at the information. Clones with the Sith and the Temple fallen? She did not want to imagine the power behind the Sith... this 'Lord Vader' the nearing troopers spoke of and she firmly denied that spark of Vahla blood that tried to ignite her mind with a slow growing greed for power like that and freedom from the Temple's Order. Vahl was nothing more than a swear to her, not a god, and no Sith was actually free, she reminded herself as she entered the secret door that the Temple Guard had opened. She seemed to naturally try to gently herd the two younger ones in before her. She took a breath, quiet and slow, once inside the dim hall. She needed to calm herself, to restore her mind to balance and to check her fear. If she didn't she couldn't absorb the situation properly and that kind of denial or distraction could kill her. She looked at the blaster wound just above her hip and thought to herself [i]I've proven that much already.[/i] Instead of focusing on the fear, she focused on the soft words of the pair of Knights. The boot steps grew closer but she allowed them to take a secondary place to the voices. The other was trying to formulate a plan, or perhaps guess the Guard's, but it seemed the Temple Guard already had full orders. Honor bound by duty and dying words of a master to save survivors, Keilan recalled his first words to herself and the younglings. However, it was not until she heard the direct statement that the meaning hit her fully. [i]... The time to fight is over, we must flee.[/i] She pushed back a wave of dizzying sickness with another soft, slow breath. "So... It really is finished?" She exhaled the words so quietly, she wasn't sure anyone would hear. "The Temple really has fallen to the Sith?"