[hr][center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjkyM2Y2MC5VR1Z1Ym5rZ1RHRjNjMjl1LjA,/youth-and-beauty.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmJmYzRjNS5VbWwwWVNCV2IzSnZibUUsLjA,/divat.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmY4YzE1OS5RbWxzYkhrZ1RHRjNjMjl1LjA,/playtime.regular.png[/img] [sub][@Surtr Inc][@Zombiedude101][/sub] [/center] [code]Hillview High - Mason Square.[/code] [hr] Penny stared at the dilapidated high school building from beyond the gate, her arms wrapped tight around her chest. Now that the sun had set, she was beginning to feel a chill on her scrapped up arms. If there was something terrible to be found in Farmer Hill, then this building was probably one of the better choices to pick—she had heard that someone had found bloodied, half-eaten animal carcasses in the basement. She had also heard that someone saw a ghost there, and that people who entered the school were murdered by vengeful spirits three days later. She always thought the stories were stupid. Now? She wasn’t so sure, although she did retain her old opinion that they should’ve just torn down the damn place years ago. She took a flashlight from the bag and shifted her way to the back of the group. If Claire was on Scottwatch up front, they needed someone to keep an eye behind them. It was just an added bonus that it kept Penny away from the people she found more grating; at least the kids in the back kept their mouths shut. The gang moved through the broken gate, up the stairs, and into the creepiest entryway Penny had seen in a minute. She peered over everyone’s shoulders for a minute to look at the graffiti, and then turned her eyes back outside, ready to give a shout if she saw Reese or anyone creeping up behind them. Billy scratched the back of his head and chimed in with his useless two cents regarding the graffiti, “Aren’t those lyrics to every Christian rock song ever?” He could understand why people might have been disturbed by the writing on the wall, but he also knew that if he ever had the opportunity to mark up a wall then he’d definitely write a whole bunch of creepy cryptic shit just to get under people’s skin. It was much better than writing down the number to a sex line or the one to your junior high principal’s house and saying it’s a sex line, and about on the same level of hilarity as drawing a dude’s bits and pieces on every possible surface ever. Rolling his shoulder, Billy shined his light around aimlessly. Which room had Sharon said? "Shit, look!" Billy jumped. He pointed his light down the hall towards where Nate was looking, revealing the sight of a bit of trash and nothing else. He laughed nervously and clapped Nate on the shoulder, “I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that we shouldn’t investigate.” “What did you see?” said a tiny voice from the edge of the group. Rita. She had been looking over the broken bulletin board on the wall, but now she turned her head towards Nate and Billy. Billy felt his skin crawl. Something about that girl creeped the shit out of him more than any phantasms. “All he saw was a reason [i]not[/i] to go that way, my man. Sharon, could you point us in the right direction so we can get the hell outta here?” said Billy.