[h2][center][color=E9967A]Heather[/color][/center][/h2] [center][img]https://www.dailydot.com/wp-content/uploads/b94/a2/e03763e1be64a077-e1495231272821.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center]Location: Inside of the creepy murder house Interacting with: Robin [@McHaggis], Miranda [@Damo021], Finley [@FantasyChic], and Olivia [@Nallore][/center] [hr] Heather reluctantly went back down the stairs after Robin treading the steps cautiously. She stopped at the top of the stairs to the basement, unable to bring herself to go down into the basement. She did hear Olivia say that they were okay and asking if they found anything. [color=E9967A]"We found a couple of things, a creepy picture and an empty wooden box with some Latin on it that translated to 'possible vessels'. We were just about to search the upstairs rooms. Think it is still worth it?"[/color] She really hoped Olivia would say no, especially now with some secret creepy room in the already creepy house. A chill went down Heather's spine and she shivered. Heather resisted the urge to just walk out of the house right then and there. She wrapped her arms around her shoulders giving herself a sort of hug.