[center][h1][color=c4df9b]Valencia Johnson[/color][/h1] [img]https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w300_and_h450_bestv2/x8Mr6UKn5CMw0w53SwHc08P3J9a.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Sci-Tech Building 4 - Phase Three HQ: Medical Ward Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Valencia had dealt with lots of weird and unexpected things in her life. Some she enjoyed, some she loathed and others she still did to this very day. Since joining with SHIELD things been rather unique and every day was filled with it's own set of challenges to tackle and overcome. She loved it here after all. Best decision in her life to accept joining since joining the military academy. Granted joining SHIELD was the better one of the two. Being here gave her access to things that in the past she only considered distant dreams that chances were she'd never get her hands on. After all that now she had powers... well she knew she had powers after that procedure, but what kind of powers not so much. She'd get her hands on it and figure that shit out sooner or later. Now though there was yet another new thing to do. [color=c4df9b]“Virtual reality... fucking sold.”[/color] She muttered to herself once the Fury briefing was given and information was known. So they had to pass a practical exam of sorts. This on itself wasn't an unusual thing. Back in the academy she had done her fair share of life exercises, but this one was a step further. In a virtual reality they can do things that no life exercise will allow them. She was smiling like mad when she finally put on the headset without much faffing about, wanting to get in the setting as soon as possible so the show can get on the road and the fun can commence. Inside though there was a certain blonde... Tinley!!! Val smirked amused as the other ops girl gave her ideas on how to proceed.[color=c4df9b][color=c4df9b]” Not a bad plan, Tinley. But we cannot quite leave the eggheads on their own. The eggheads needs to be organized too. We should get a chain of command down, pick the proper jobs for everyone and approach the problem that way.”[/color][/color] She proposed with a smile. Frankly she was feeling the urge to get this competition with Tinley on who can get it first, but job was a job and required to be done methodically.