Rohaan made a soft noise in his sleep, his finger twitching slightly as he dreamed. Berlin's head was up, looking at him in an instant, but he relaxed when he saw that all was well. He'd heard of the Schools, but only in passing. To him, they were a place on a map and nothing more. Of course, he was interested in her answer, but his interest sharply peaked when she said she was training to be a weathermage. Berlin did not know the full implications of that, but he knew without a doubt that a weathermage on board could make his little caravel ship just as intimidating as a dreadnought in the right circumstance. And, what was more, she was apparently in debt and looking to gain passage across the sea. Berlin couldn't believe his luck. At first, he didn't answer her question and instead simply studied her over the lip of his cup. He did love tea--he'd have to get some before they set sail again. He just watched for a moment, some other thought forming in his mind as he began to slowly answer, "From what I understand, the lad came from somewhere down south on some more or less uncharted island--not even he knows for sure where it is now. A whole colony of shifters. Imagine that! An entire island full of them. I guess it was raided by hunters and slavers and in the chaos his parents died fighting. He was captured and was to be sold into slavery but he somehow escaped and found himself in the port city of Iranos, some ways up north. He picked my first mate's pocket and the old man caught him. I knew he was going to die one way or another if he didn't have some help, I mean, goodness, the boy was eight and half starved, beat up, and clearly had no idea how to dress for winter. If he wasn't sold into slavery first, he'd either starve or be killed in the street so...I took him. He doesn't talk too much about his past. There's probably a lot he doesn't want to remember. He's a good kid, generally. Devilishly mischievous sometimes but he just needs a good firm hand to guide him is all. Someone who understands how he is. Needless to say, he doesn't do well with strangers, but now that he speaks good Carisian it takes him a lot less time to open up to someone, especially if I say they're a friend." Berlin looked over at Rohaan through the steam of his cup. "Don't get me wrong. Shifters can be dangerous. The things they are able to do are...well," he pulled up his white sleeve, showing old white scars around one arm. "Got bit once--er...more than once actually, but once in particular trying to set some broken fingers of his. He didn't know what I was doing to him and he reacted. Turns out, wolves have very sharp teeth..." But Berlin laughed it off like it was now just some cute childhood accident. "But he's come a long way. And I tell you what, nothing melts your heart like when he decides to get sweet. I'm teaching him to read, actually." Berlin smiled, every bit the proud father. "I Suppose now it's my turn to pry a little, if you'll forgive me. You say you were heading for...Ramos, yes? That's a long way away," Berlin said knowingly, letting that sink in for a moment. "To buy a place on a passenger ship would cost you a mighty sum..." The man set down his cup and brushed a loose lock of his straight, sandy hair back out of his forehead. "If I had to wager a guess, you'd rather leave sooner than later, eh?" Berlin leaned back, a glint in his eyes. "I know I'm not really the kind of man your mother would approve of you being seen with. I'll be honest with you, I'm a pirate of sorts. And I don't pretend to be a good man, but I'm not a demon either. But I think you and I can help each other. I'll make you a deal, and you can sleep on it. But I could use someone of your skillset on my ship. I can offer you a place to call home, money, to be fed and taken care of, and some level of protection from any demons you might have in your past. Hell, make friends with Rheoaan--sorry, Rio, and he'll defend you tooth and nail. Literally." Berlin held up his hands before she could react and said, "now hear me out. You don't seem like the pirate type, and that's alright. I won't ask you to commit. But come aboard, take a share of the work and use your talents, and I'll take you to Ramos. When we get there, you can choose to part ways and wash your hands of me and my crew...or you can join us." Berlin smiled warmly. "What do you say, miss Hanabaptiste?"