And if y'all need another example of what we are looking for in sheets. Here is good old Setzer. [hider=Der Panzer][center][img][/img] [color=lightgray][b]Setzer Galaband 21 | 6'3" | A+ [/b][/color][/center] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] A P P E R A N C E [/color] [/b][/sub] [hr] [indent][color=C7AFA0]Setzer stands as a figure forged by harsh and unrelenting discipline. A prominent bone structure and ironclad muscular proportions are highlighted beneath skin of pale tones; worn and cracked by a patchwork series scars the most prominent the Lichtenberg figures running up his hands and to his shoulders a dark red in color. Like all members of WARDEN the boy's body stands at the premiere and pinnacle level of fitness with the musculature of a WARDEN beaten into the body through endless hours of unrelenting training pushing the body to the breaking point and beyond it again and again. Yet Setzer's own body stands even further away from the pack pushing against the relentless march of entropy and stagnation with his own routine of weight training and seemingly endless cardio that he prides himself upon. This self-endowed physical prowess being something that he created himself through tenuous hard work through blood and sweat. Eyes are of a darker shade of green almost falling into brown in their pigmentation. The eyes though betray the appearance that his body so forth presents rather than possessing an outward harshness or severity to the world they seem to sparkle with flecks of human kindness and understand that lay hidden somewhere beyond the rough outer shell. Standing together with this green gaze is the other prominent feature of the warrior's face. Hair a fiery red in color kept shaved on the sides and longer on top. While others will spend countless hours tending to their hair, Setzer seems to not even pay much attention to it letting the wavy locks move and contort in whichever direction that they desire at the moment. Outside of the standard black and greys of WARDEN's uniforms, his clothing choices are rather plain in its appearance built around practically more than the latest style. This mostly means form fitting athletic wear made to breathable and to not restrict movement. [/color][/indent] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/color] [/b][/sub] [hr] [color=C7AFA0][indent] Setzer Galaband is a pretty nice guy. His personality is a natural lure towards others with his characteristically lopsided grin and general warmth about him. He does not actively seem to search out the spotlight just as home sitting back and listening as he is commanding a conversation but he certainly doesn't seem to mind having it cast upon him. Yet he seems to maintain a deliberate emotional distance beneath his welcoming warmth and overall charming personality. The curious might notice that while he can spend a large amount of time listening to others about their past and empathize with their plights rarely does he speak of his own history. Though he would quickly brush away such comments with a explanation that his life was a rather boring one. Laid-back and lackadaisical in his mannerism, it's hard to reconcile this image of him with the one that tops the leader board on the combat simulation at the Citadel. The fact of the matter is Setzer is probably the hardest on himself. Coming from nothing Setzer has everything to prove. This quandary exerts itself in the standards of perfectionism he sets. His best is never good enough with the voice in the back of his head chastising him and berating him time and time again. No matter how well he does, no matter the scores, praise, or good marks that he puts up he is unsatisfied. His composure is that of a man running on borrowed time. Forgoing rest, sleep or any other form of satiation in exchange for climbing that next peak to only seem to crash into a deeper valley. The only reprieve Setzer seems to allow himself from his unrelenting grind is partying. A true extrovert at heart Setzer thrives in the company of others. Though like all things in Setzer's life, Setzer has a habit of taking his partying to its logical extremes. Because of this amongst those that grew up with him in the Citadel Setzer carries with himself a sort of reputation: drinking to levels far beyond excess, having slept with at least a solid quarter of the Citadel's female population, and his seemingly inability to turn down a challenge to a fight. Of course for Setzer all this pomp and circumstance is following in the grand Galaband tradition of burying whatever deep seated emotional issues you have with excess of various amounts, though try telling him that and you'll probably get a fist to the face. [/indent][/color] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] B A C K G R O U N D [/color] [/b][/sub] [hr] [color=C7AFA0][Indent]Setzer Galaband was the result of a brief drunken fling between an airship pilot and some heiress running away from her family. Problem was that love story doesn't end all too well, turns out the heiress missed her money and life of luxury and left Setzer's father with a baby and not much else. After a work related accident had resulted in permanent nerve damage to his right leg, the old man took to drinking in a hard way. Setzer was perpetually the disappointment constantly not living up to his father's standards and being a 'fucking disgrace'. It was this early environment that lead to the young man soon realizing that as he put it 'nobody in the world gave a damn about him' and that the world "doesn't revolve around you". To surive he focused himself completely upon whatever task lay ahead of him. It was not natural aptitude that came to be Setzer's saving grace but brute force repetition repeating the motions again and again until he learned a skill or ability. At the age of ten he along with the rest of the students in the small rural school of his were put on a transport and shipped off to the Capital to be tested to be seen if they had the capacity to join WARDEN. While Setzer own magical abilities were only slightly above average, he produced promising results in the other areas. Seeing the potential in the boy he along with about three hundred others were selected to be sent to the Citadel for further training and to join the ranks of WARDEN. So Setzer packed what little he had, living in basically what attributed to abject poverty for most of his life, and was sent off to go be shaped into something greater than himself. He never said goodbye to his father walking to the aerodome five miles away by himself and leaving his father in his drunken stupor without much of a word. When he arrived at the Citadel, Setzer gained the approval of his instructors be throwing himself at his training with the same brute force repetition that had marked his earlier life. The military life style came naturally to him and was arguably even good for him giving him a sense of well needed structure and purpose. While his broadly apparent skill, generally relaxed demeanor, and of course charming appearance allowed him to quickly make friends with the other jock types. This was a strange phenomenon for Setzer having up until then hadn't always been too successful in the friend department - too many fights in the school yard back home with kids that wanted to talk shit about his family. But through this new avenue he was quickly propelled up the strange archaic social ladder that made up relations in the Citadel firmly rooting his postion as one of the "cool kids" whatever the hell that meant. While he was able to succeeded in both combat and testing through his usual method, it seemed not to work the same way with his magic. While he studied the art of it drilling the concepts and ideas into his head. Taking the concepts into reality seemed to prove another function all together that no matter what he tried to do seemed to fall at every turn. This lead to an almost endless source of frustration and even levels of embarrassment for him as his failures didn't seem to let up. This only forced him to continue to push ever further in his combat training pushing himself further and further rather than trying to work on his obvious shortcomings. This process would continue for the next ten or so years of his life at the Citadel. Eventually he would graduated with the rest of his class just as the Vangar invasion had begun. His own small town was destroyed in the fighting to push the Vangar back from Orestia. What Setzer cared more about was that the opportunity that the invasion presented, he didn't care for his patriotic duty or revenge. He saw it as opportunity to test himself, to keep on pushing those boundaries and limits.[/indent][/color] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] C O M B A T [/color] [/b][/sub] [hr] [color=C7AFA0][indent]Setzer's combat style focus on his strengths in an effort to lessen any major weaknesses on his part. His main choice of weapon is a large sword about five feet or so in length and about a foot wide. While most military blades are sleek and elegant in their design or versatile in their application like the well often used gunblade, Setzer's blade is designed from absolute power and strength. The blows from the blade fall with a beautiful simplicity to them with a crushing might enhanced by training and augmentation. The young man moves with a surprising amount of speed landing crushing blow after blow with nothing less than the ferocity of a maelstrom. Due to Setzer's lacking magical ability rather than casting fireballs or throwing lighting with some with minimal magic he does do is to augment the blade making it come flickering alive with everything from fire to ice adding an extra layer of whomp[/indent][/color] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] R E L A T I O N S [/color] [/b][/sub][hr] [color=C7AFA0][indent] [b][i]Gideon[/i] -[/b] Shared interests of sports and partying brought them together. Setzer's never treated him differently ever though he is royalty. Bros. [b][i]Galahad[/i] - [/b] Brain versus brawn the eternal rivalry. They seem to be friendly towards one another despite there constant bickering back and forth. Everything is a competition between them for some stupid reason or another. [/indent][/color] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] N O T E S [/color][/b][/sub] [hr] [color=C7AFA0][indent]Nothing to see here....[/indent][/color][/hider]