[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=Olive]Richard Laine[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.gifer.com/IdAq.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [center] [b][color=ForestGreen]Location[/color][/b] Stark Tower[/center] [hr][hr] As Marygold took several deep breathes, Richard stiffened in wary apprehension. It was never a good thing when the leader of a group was showing signs of nervousness. Oh, it was expected that they would be human. But on some level, as a leader of a group you had to shut down that fear lest it corrupt and unnerve the rest. It was a tactic he had used more than once in his former occupation. It didn't help she had given a moot point with the retirement bit. There was no such thing. He had 'retired' from being the killer he was trained as, but the skills and the will still resided within him. More so than his sister who was so eager for the politician's death. While he was irked at her from bringing it up so bluntly. She had a point and more than that- she had never said his death would be hers to claim. At least she was leaving the killing to the professional in the family. His fingers tapped out an idle pattern on a chair as he sunk into it. Yet with all the positions they were talking about, Richard felt they were missing one. There was another option aside from attacking or defend and he considered it riskier. Yet the pay out was greater. Why not simply lure out Jakobson? Give him a opportunity too good for him not to set his Sentinels on? His men? An 'innocent' suddenly set upon by these forces that were obviously danger and not of X-men origins. The X-Men coming in to drive them off, not decreeing it was Jakobsen but a little plant here and there... Rumors were a mill wheel that never stopped turning. But Richard remained silent. Patiently biding his time. He was necessarily liked and both Marygold and the daughter of their host had a problem with him. Thus it was perhaps best he not decree that they needed to step away from the problem and take a solid period of time to clear the battle from their heads. No one here was thinking clearly. Save perhaps Charlie. The man's lips quirked as the flame-on brat criticized them all for exactly what Richard was thinking. Giving Charlie a sharp nod of agreement. Richard almost missed his sister jolt forward. [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=ForestGreen]Ayita Dyrkin[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.gifer.com/NXWb.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [center] [b][color=ForestGreen]Location[/color][/b] Stark Tower[/center] [hr][hr] Ayita listened to the chatter in interest behind a politely blank mask. She doubted she would be of any use against those Sentinels. While she could take on a man, her powers lent her stealth. Better put to the profession Richard had been tutoring her in. More of a self defense against it. A way to disappear into the civilizations of the world. He hadn't technically done it to teach her to become what he was. Alas, years of hunting for one's food and avoiding humans made stealth a required tool that was honed very sharply. Spying Allison, Ayita stood sharply from leaning against the wall. Naked relief upon her face that her friend was alright. [color=ForestGreen][i]"Thank goodness. You are alright."[/i][/color] The words were not said but mental relief flowed from Ayita limited telepathy to the woman who she had relinquished into the care of Banner. But her eyes became furious as Folly stamped on Allison foot. Words were one thing. But a physical attack? Moving forward, Ayita seized the woman's upper arm in a bruising grip. [color=ForestGreen]"You are upset."[/color] The words were stated out in the too soft voice, lacking the growl she usually had when agitated. [color=ForestGreen]"You are not the only one. This bastard has attacked us all and would kill, if not imprison. You do his work for him by snapping at a member of your pack when they were asked to speak their mind."[/color] The bump Ayita gave the woman as she knocked her aside moving towards Allison. [color=ForestGreen]"I do not care for when a hunter is upon my trail. I care less for when someone threatens my friend."[/color] Ayita let a loose a snarl. [color=ForestGreen]"Do not give me a reason to see you as I see this Jakobson. He would see us all dead for no reason than being what we are. He had the aid of the-"[/color] Ayita groped for the word. [color=ForestGreen]"-humans? Then he has a very strong advantage. But he will suspect a trap if we speak to him and we will suspect a trap. He wants us to attack. To prove the bear is vicious, you must first beat it. The bear will prove it's horrid nature, nevermind it was merely trying to defend itself."[/color] The woman's amber eyes flickered with something close to embarrassment, but it was a true fact. Bear baiting, she had read about it in those times when she cloistered herself away from everyone. [color=ForestGreen]"Why let him prove our viciousness if we attack him? Let him show his own vicious side in front of all the world. Against children. [i]'There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children.'[/i]"[/color] Gesturing towards Guin and Tony the shifter paused by Allison. [color=ForestGreen]"Internet spans the world does it not? And it cannot ever be fully forgotten?"[/color] She was out of her depth and territory here but fighting was best avoided and defending was worse. So why not bait and lure a trap? A arm moving about Allison in a half hug as she glowered at Folly. Richard raised a eyebrow. So that explained all the off searches in his history...