[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/354788242224185348/458762570493329421/char-bb.regular_1.png[/img] Siiga knew these guys didn't have much of a sense of humour, but Christ alive, they didn't need to make it so obvious. The way their faces all fell and turned into disapproving scowls did nothing to abate her prejudices against the upper class. Humourless, cranky old bastards with sticks so far up their arse you could repurpose them as a broom. As she staggered off, she had to admit to a faint sense of victory over these toffee-nosed tossers. Yeah, let's see you swallow your pride after that. What she wasn't expecting was swords to be drawn on her. Yeah, that was appropriate punishment wasn't it? Stab a girl for saying a word. You wonder why no one likes the aristos? Look no further than this. Anywhere else and all they'd do is tell her politely, but firmly, to leave. But here, apparently uncouth behaviour was punished by execution. Wasn't that a peach? Someone did step in, though. At least one of these aristo cunts wasn't totally derived of humour. She would have to remember to thank him later. As they were lead out, she heard someone sneering about how this would be bad for their reputation. Almost as bad for their reputation as, say, murdering an unarmed and injured woman for saying a bad word. She didn't see any of them getting off their tired, lazy asses and going out and fighting. It all begged the question of why. Why fight for these pillocks? They clearly don't like her, and she doesn't like them right back. There was no motivation whatsoever to serve them. Well... Maybe one, she thought, glancing to the girl at her side. She didn't know what Connie saw in all this. Was this really what she wanted? Surely she'd be happier doing her own thing... She recalled Connie's efforts to save her, and the fury with which she showered upon her teammates for attacking Siiga. Why? She should have seen her as an obstacle, an enemy. What... What made her so angry at the thought of her being hurt? Shallow attraction? Surely not... Agh, this was too serious! She was the dubiously honoured guest in a royal manor! She wouldn't get a chance like this in a long time. So for now, she was going to do what she did best - Eat, drink and dance the night away. And woe to whatever poor sod thought it fit to stop her. [hr] It was some time later that she got a knock on her door. Whoever had been had left before she got to it, but they had left something behind. First, some money. Always good to have, especially since her stash was out of reach. Second, a badge. Now was probably a bad time to explain that she already had one, albiet a stolen one, but hell, she could always sell one of the spares off. Third, a gauntlet. It was no fashion accessory, given that it was ugly as sin, but it had an unmistakable buzz of magic about it. She would just need to keep it covered up for the duration of her wearing it. The fourth, though, that was interesting. She scurried back to the desk in her room with the gift on her arms. If this was what she thought it was... It was. It was a shame that whoever left it had ran off in such a hurry, because Siiga was feeling VERY generous right about now. Someone clearly knew how to treat a lady. A book like this was rare outside an archmages library, and for it to fall into her hands... Well, that was nothing short of miraculous. Suddenly the lure of wine and food didn't seem half as strong. Siiga leafed over a page and began reading. "Chapter one: On the Conjuration of Humanoids..."