[hider=Yo] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180703/60b99ddbb4ee44d15ed9f36f7d9caa45.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/267390061270532105/463619884509691904/James_Aesthetic_Header.png[/img][/center] [color=9AC667]Name[/color] [color=919191][indent]James Martin Wang, Jr.[/indent][/color] [color=9AC667]Nickname(s)[/color] [color=919191][indent]Jun, J, Junior[/indent][/color] [color=9AC667]Age[/color] [color=919191][indent]18[/indent][/color] [color=9AC667]Gender[/color] [color=919191][indent]Male[/indent][/color] [color=9AC667]Sexuality[/color] [color=919191][indent]Heterosexual[/indent][/color] [color=9AC667]Relationship Status[/color] [color=919191][indent]“What’s a relationship? Is that a food?”[/indent][/color] [color=9AC667]Grade[/color] [color=919191][indent]Senior[/indent][/color] [color=9AC667]Label[/color] [color=919191][indent]“Resident Anti-Asian Stereotype” also “Burnout Musician Type”[/indent][/color] [hr][center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/548f98c3177d0fad1917f7142fdbaf52/tumblr_oj5oflDwJH1vpd9e0o3_250.gif[/img] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/5f869d7afe5f14be36d2d053b52d8e19dd1ac3e1/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f63657662572d486c5571596a69773d3d2d3534303435303639342e313531366366363664323337306264373936373435323333383032352e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/d599aa90ce8d8d78edcb034f0858a657/tumblr_om4abem9Js1u1k02to3_r1_250.gif[/img][/center][hr] [color=9AC667]Appearance Details[/color] [color=919191][indent]At five foot eight, Jun is a little taller than some but in the grand scheme of the people at Palm Beach he’s not at all tall by any social determination. His ethnicity is self-described as “mutt asian”, a buzzword that Jun himself has coined as a way to get across the point that he has a calvacade of Asian ancestry that can be traced back to Japan, South Korea, and China. His grandfather, Mingyang, claims they can be traced back to the Song Dynasty while other distant relatives make similar unbelievable boasts. Really the only thing that sets Jun apart from his posh contemporaries and neighbors is that he doesn’t care about how he looks all that much; he doesn’t stylize his hair with the latest fashions, he wears clothes that are comfortable over expensive, and his lack of reverence for Palm Beach politics is pretty apparent in his demeanor and general posture. Jun’s hair is a charcoal black and his eyes are an off-shade of brown, nothing really noteworthy. Though it can be said that his appearance is anything but unappealing considering the fact he has a look that befits a jock just as much as it does an outsider – though Jun insists that his “impeccable physique” is just a way to get people to back the fuck off from messing with him. [/indent][/color] [color=9AC667]Personality Traits[/color] [color=919191][indent]Childish Clever Impulsive Observant Sarcastic Spirited Quick-Witted[/indent][/color] [color=9AC667]Upbringing Synopsis[/color] [color=919191][indent] The Wangs have always had their sights on opportunity since they landed in Miami in 1969, nearly fifty years later they are one of the most powerful Asian-American families in southeastern Florida. James Martin Wang, Sr – the current patriarch of the family is a highly regarded freelance attorney who is married to Dr. Rebecca Cheung-Wang, a well known plastic surgeon who works to the client out of the Greater Miami Area. It is with their accomplishments that Jun and his sister, Victoria, have had to try to live up to. Jun has had a harder time with it than his sister did, a fact that he tries not to worry all that much about. In fact, it’s a sentiment that Jun explicitly tries to ignore and defy. Jun’s parents are notoriously conservative and demanding while Jun himself is sarcastic, irreverent, and liberal. Jun lives “loose” and doesn’t care all that much about upsetting his parents. Within reason, of course. He knows that not caring about academics is very different from being [i]bad[/i] at academics; and that the latter tends to lead of disciplinary conclusions. Suffice to say, Jun knows what he’s doing. Jun’s day-to-day revolves around playing guitar, thinking how “swell” it would be to start a band, and generally making fun of people. [/indent][/color] [color=9AC667]Family:[/color] [color=919191][list][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/431743020023545856/465663947442225152/Gowi.png[/img] [sub]James Martin Wang, Sr. (Daniel Dae Kim), Dr. Rebecca Cheung-Wang (Ming Na Wen), and Victoria “Vicki” Wang (Jamie Chung)[/sub][/center] [/list][/color] [color=9AC667]Misc:[/color] [indent][color=919191]John Harlan Kim [color=white]|[/color] 9AC667[/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-kxWRXC7c4[/youtube][/indent] [/hider]