[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QCgTnAH.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Zeroth][@Kazemitsu][@floodtalon][@Gardevoiran] As the wisp known as 'Mourningstar' berated Jason for his hurried antics, the slime let out a heavy sigh. As she held the orange crystal before him, acting as if it's explosive nature was a well-known fact, Jason reached out a pseudopod, plucking the crystal out of the air, carefully turning it over and examining it closely, even running [b][Tremor Sense I][/b] through it for a few moments as she spoke before sucking it into his body. [quote=System:Jason] 1 Flame-Touched Mana Crystal added to inventory. [/quote] By the time Mourningstar had finished her tirade, Jason's patience had reached it's limit. A small, singular pseudopod shot forward, pressing itself into what Jason assumed to be the wisp's forehead as he activated [b][Telepathy I][/b]. [color=darkred][i]'Look Mourningstar, I'm Jason, none of us have time to argue over this shit, so yes, we [u][b]will[/b][/u] be able to talk after all of us survive this. So, if you'll excuse me....'[/i][/color] he stated through his mind before retracting his psuedopod, and going onward with his plan to create the Palisade with Digbie.