"I have just been lucky that my family does not have the wealth to go traveling across the provinces at their whims. Though, my mother has always wanted to travel at some point in her life, and they have been saving for that purpose, according to their letters. And with my mother getting older, I have to imagine they will want to take that trip soon." Ahnasha explained. Ahnasha looked away for a few moments, staring off seemingly at nothing as she tapped her finger steadily against the stone table in thought. "I have to think that they've been picking up on the fact that I've been making excuses. And I think they know why...well, not [i]the[/i] reason why, but a reason. I think they suspect your family isn't approving, but I've always known them to be optimists, if nothing else. They probably believe they can make them like them, no matter what beliefs your family might have right now." The idea that Ahnasha's family might actually want to meet Fendros' was frightening for a few reasons, not the least of which being the fact that they did not know of their lycanthropy. But, in the back of her mind, she knew she was more comfortable concentrating on that problem than the looming shadow of the upcoming invasion.