"It is a pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Valentine. My name is Sofie Heichenback. I look forward to meeting you in Martial Arts!" Sofie shook his hand and smiled. The smile did not reach her eyes. She shrank back and adjusted her sweater. "Same here! I shall strive to earn your...what's the word...looking-forward-ness? High regard! That's the term I was looking for. I shall strive to earn your high regard. Just getting here was interesting! Traffic was backed up a little ways along the I-9, so I took a shortcut, only to find traffic packed there too. Mostly college students, I later found. I understand you took a taxi, Ed?" "Yeah. The driver was pretty quiet. Thankfully." "Ha ha! I know what you mean. They're a chatty bunch around these parts. They just. Don't. Shut. Up! 'Where ya goin?' 'What's in the bag?' 'Like some music?' Seriously, just drive, man. If I want to talk, I'll talk. I know, they're trying to give good customer service, and I don't fault them for it. They just have to be more aware, you know? Don't be like those taxi drivers, Ed!" "Yessir!" Ed saluted, grinning from ear to ear. Fenix slapped him on the back. "That's the spirit. Where you guys headed, kiddo?" Ed scratched his head. "Well, we initially came down here to greet you, but while we're out here, I'm thinking we should join the orientation and meet our classmates." "Great idea. Is that it?" Fenix pointed to the gathering crowd by the main entrance. "Probably! Come on, Sofie!"