The Headmaster’s pleasing aura did not go away with the news that Caleb had revealed what they really were. Instead he simply sighed and looked towards the direction Caleb would be in. It was true. Everything Caleb had said to Ambrose though the Headmaster has a feeling the reason behind Caleb telling Ambrose had to do with his strong like of the male and being the gentle spirit that Caleb could be mixed with concern that he may not have made it out alive. “I see. Yes what he said it true. We are or were dangerous beings that consumed life wherever we went. In a sense we are no different than the demon you and your classmates will hopefully banish. The thing is do you hate him for telling you the truth?” The Headmaster’s faze remained pleasant as he tried to figure how to best approach the situation. “Ambrose have you ever truly lived? Perhaps if you open yourself up to the feelings you hide away so swiftly you’ll find that not everyone is out to destroy you. There are those who simply wish to make you smile. Alas I shall tell you the story. Yes Caleb and I roamed we took over worlds enslaving, consuming but when we came here he saw beauty in this world. Something about humankind softened his heart. He convinced me to leave the old way and settle here. At first I did not see what he saw but I gave it a try. He was right. Humans are complex and your ability to love to forgive and see the beauty in the simplest things softened even. My old stone heart. So we stayed we blended in and we left the life of chaos and destruction behind. So now you know the truth. The question is how will you deal with the information given to you?” He smiled warmly and strode over to Ambrose. A soft hand betraying what Ambrose thought he knew about them. “Not all of us are here to kill, steal and destroy. We have lives we live. Though we’ve made mistakes, are we not worthy of forgiveness? I hope you get some rest. Do not let your heart be troubled Ambrose. If only you knew the power you held. I shall see you tomorrow morning,” the Headmaster said offering Ambrose a gentle smile before leaving. Sam was flabbergasted by what Jeremy had told them. This Morgan needed to be dealt with and fast. Who was he going to tell? It was bad. They’d covered up a murder scene and they’d left school. If Morgan snitched it would be their asses and the Headmasters but the man always had a way of dealing with things. She needed to talk to Caleb. He was normally able to keep her level headed but he was in the infirmary and the hour was growing late. “Let’s convene back here tomorrow after class then we will go check on Caleb and Ambrose and talk to them about this,” Ariana chimed in as Sam nodded and moved to leave he room.