[color=#5D5A84][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/x77wpu141/Eveningknight.png[/img] [h1]Hikari Twilight Knight[/h1] [/center][/color] [hr] [color=#848484] No running in the halls they said. But outside of their sight she ran anyway. Leaping from the staircase to the lower floor she needed to be on. She was feeling a bit reckless despite only being in a hurry due to how late she was. She spent the entire day in class not saying a word to anyone. She looked out the window while others exchanged winter plans with friends. She watched the snow fall in congregate number and was reminded of the club she was a part of. Were they her friends? She fell asleep and dreamed of being a normal child. It was the nightmares that woke her. Or rather the reminder of their existence and the looming doom of being unaware of their presence. She awoke to a classroom nearly empty but still occupied by students and teachers conversing. She quickly grabbed her things and left. Now she made her way to the club room. Knowing that she was late she sighed and made a slow shameful walk into the room. She looked into the room before entering. Seeing the number of others inside she couldn't help but to smile. She waved to Alex once she noticed her. Not wanting to be rude but also suppressing how eager she was to meet her again in this normal setting. Hikari noticed Mari but said nothing to her. Merely her focus was more so on how everyone was more interested in her presence at the moment than Hikari's late showing. So she found a seat next to Alex and quietly watched. Taking in with awe how lively everyone here was. If they were to be her friends, she smiled, she was glad they were so.[color=#5D5A84]"Everyone seems to be doing well."[/color] She spoke with a timid smile.[/color] [@Polaris North]