Lyullia glanced at her leg for a moment as Noru tells her to not put weight on it for a while. She knew magic could do wonders when used to heal things, but she had never seen it happen before. She also didn't expect herself to be the target of such magic, but she was thankful that they had someone who knew how to do that. Then she turned her attention to their two 'prisoners'. She knew that there was a risk that they would be attacked, but she hadn't expected to be attacked by anything other than animals! To be attacked by others was something she hadn't expected, and it scared her. Were there other groups out to get them too? And their problems weren't over yet. Apparently Marilyn had vanished, meaning they were immobile and thus an easy target for both more attacks by their assailants and other monsters. And there was nothing Lyullia could do about it. Still, she knew she could at least help with the current issue. They needed something to restrain their 'prisoners', and rope probably wouldn't do too much good. So, she set to work on using her ability to create metal handcuffs and such. On their own they wouldn't do too much good except for restraining their prisoners' movements, so someone else would need to attach them to something that wasn't likely to move around. "Here, maybe this would keep them where we want them to be better than rope would." Lyullia said, holding out what she'd made. "Though we need something to attach them to so they can't leave..."