[quote=@TolkienBlackGuy] 1.) So maybe a little bit of "magepunk"? For example, locomotives would be powered by coal and a guy in the back is superheating it with fire spells. Permits should be treated like driver's licenses. If you get busted for casting without a license you'll need to pay a fine, or if your job requires you to use magic you need to have a permit and have been pracisting for x-number of years. 2.) Bingo! So if you're a bail bondsman you'd be specially trained in say scrying and binding. [/quote] 1) Exactly! No reason there cannot be practical or peaceful application of magic in this. I mean this is in a established country with most people not trying to do anything malevolent. More than likely magic would be under the law such as guns would. Heck, we even could make a unique amendment to the constitution in this universe that dictates the rights of a magician or the magically inclined. There's several ways to go about this. 2) Yep, officers could even use spells to negate magic or perhaps hold people in arrest without harming them. Maybe even tying up their shadows so the person being arrested cannot move or something. The law would have magic and know how to deal with as well, makes sense like how officers would have guns in real life.