Ryssa shrugged, her thin shoulders rolling like the waves below. "Can you say you are not slightly eager after so long and dull a chase? I do prefer the boring myself. But when agitated it's good to work aggression out on something." The 'or someone' a silent addition to that sentence. Her voice was rough, and not due her acting. The salt of the sea had been helping on her little facade. She was eager for this 'fight', 'threatening of a merchant galley' or whatever to be over and done with so that she might line her pockets with a bit of wealth. Perhaps enough to procure her way to Egypt and a nice little life there. Doing what though? That was the question wasn't it? She knew bits and pieces but that was it. A question for another day, the woman thought, as the sail filled with the god's breathe. "I'm hardly a 'kid'." The fighter grumbled, her eyes moving to watch the ship drawing nearer. It was just as well, as Ezpin pulled the captain away for a last minute word. Tapping an impatient finger on the rail of the ship, Ryssa swore she would swim it if it took much longer. She also swore she was going to make the damnable captain fall overboard. But that was as likely to happen as swimming. For in truth.... She could not- swim that was. It was never something she had time to learn and it never seemed all that important. Adjusting the short Roman sword at her hip the woman eyed the ship. Waiting for the perfect opportunity to hop the rail and cut throats. Not literally of course. The fewer deaths the better.