[quote=@TolkienBlackGuy] Okay, so maybe 1.) If you're born with the gift to use magic (I assume not everyone can use magic) you're taken to either a special school or there are "special education" courses spellcasters alongside their normal courses. 2.) I could see the change to the Constitution happening after a 2nd Witch Trials when we realised that magic users we're on our side and not against us. 3.) I dig the shadow entrapment! Either tangling someone up in their shadows or taking control of an opposer's shadow by connecting yours to their's (akin to a Shadow Possession Jutsu in the Naruto franchise). One could go even further by manipulating water, vines, earth etc to entrap someone. 4.) Enchanted guns or bullets? Enchanted handcuffs? Maybe even prisons that negate magic! [/quote] 1.) Perhaps, I mean I would hate to make magic sort of like a "Jedi only" thing, however there could be more people sensitive to magic. Then again you can just make your character already sensitive to it as long as everyone doesn't go overboard. 2) Bingo! It would be an interesting development. Maybe there would even be witches and mages in the US government who lobby for this as well. It would be an interesting twist to have magic gone through a legal process and then state sanctioned and regulated as is anything else. 3) I think the justus idea would work here, but let's not make it harmful unless you're evil and you know how to do that to basically kill someone. However, it may take concentration and usually isn't the best tactic when you're in a sporadic gunfight.