[quote=@Master Bruce] Blankman is one of the greatest superhero movies ever made and I won't have anyone tell me differently. Now, if you'd have said Steel... Oh, I appreciate Batman & Robin for the cheesefest that it is and hold no ill-will against it. Never mention The Dark Knight Rises in my presence, though. I will enter a fugue state of rage that frankly embarasses me. [s]Fucking goddamn Robin John Blake bullshit "orphan eyes" subplot...[/s] [/quote] Boy, this would be a bad time to admit that John Blake was one of the few things I unironically enjoyed in that film. I mean, sure, the explanation for [i]how[/i] he figured out Batman's identity was whack, but I liked the idea [i]that[/i] he figured it out; the idea that a young kid in Gotham -- and a young orphan at that -- would see through the thin disguise that always worked against "smarter" adults. And I liked the character of a young, idealistic cop who didn't know the whole truth about Gordon and thus couldn't understand the crusade against Batman. I will grant that the "Robin" thing was horrendous fan service. Nor did the ending make any kind of sense, anyway. Bruce Wayne traveled the world and trained under fucking ninjas; Blake was just a cop. How the hell are those skills supposed to translate to being the next Batman? (Otherwise, I'm totally with you that TDKR is a massive disappointment.)