[quote=@Inkwell] Besides energy weapons what counts as exotic? Also what counts as explosive is it just grenades or do grenade launchers and rpgs fall under the same category? I'm just asking because I'm making and Exotic weapons character that also uses explosives. [@kuroyomihime] [/quote] Pretty much what [@Lonewolf685] said. Anything that's not included in the other categories (flamethrowers, bows and crossbows, whips, etc.) is an Exotic weapon. That said, grenade launchers and RPGs are Explosives, like pretty much any man-portable weapon what can fire explosive projectiles, regardless of being self propelled or not. Items like Grenades, mines and explosive charges are consumables, they don't really need weapon skills to use, but may need other skills to be effective, like Trap Making and Demolition. Also, be aware that Exotic Weapons need a skill for every weapon, not for the whole category. [quote=@13org] Ooh~ *is interested* Hey! XD Am I too late to join? [/quote] More or less. There was a surprising number of interested people in the Interest Check, as well as people who came in after the main thread was created, and not all of them had time to do their Characters yet. I'll wait for a few more days, to see if the ones who have shown interest will finalize their characters. After that process is done, I can take more applications. If you are still interested, you can take a place on the waiting list. Check again in a week or so, if there are vacant spots, you are welcome to join. I hope that was a good enough explanation. Thanks.