Despite Fashion’s freak out she was collected enough to suggest another plan. Degen mentally applauded the elf. From what little she knew of Fashion’s background doing this job was purposely doing everything she was ingrained not to do. But enough of that! The elf was on board and they were set on their plan. The plan itself was pretty simple and Degen hung around a good distance from the fallen tree and behind cover. She was a more close range combatant so the only thing she could think of for a distraction was to probably knock down another tree and make a big noise if it came down to it. But the other option was to storm in when the others start their cover fire and the EMP…. Hmmm choices choices. Another obvious option was to gut a guy and have them scream loud. That’ll set the guards on edge and would be harder to take down. Oh, maybe a big thunderbolt? Loud and flashy, perfect for distractions. Degen ran her thumb over the hilt of her sword. Well whatever she decided on her knives will be the first to taste blood today.