---Meeting Room--- The Caldeyrons. Why was it always the Caldeyrons? Tibrus pinched the bridge of his nose to starve off an oncoming headache. That family had been a thorn on more than one occasion thanks to their desire for higher standing and the various powers in the kingdom. Even he wasn't exempt from their stubborn drive. Tibrus had vied for his current position on the Citadel's Judgement Council against one Kalmor of the Caldeyrons House years ago. That was an ordeal Tibrus wouldn't wish on his worst enemy, Kalmor still sends his heated glares whenever they cross paths. He shook his head to come pack to the fore. [color=a2d39c]"Since we're only in the investigating stages now, smaller numbers work to our advantage. Splitting up we can cover both leads. However, if we try speaking with Sir Juan de la Cruz out of nowhere then he may tip off those he is in connection with. Rather-"[/color] His face scrunched as if he had tasted something foul. [color=a2d39c]"-we need to have him followed, see if we can learn just who exactly these funds are going towards first."[/color] He looked to Faye. [color=a2d39c]"Your runes would be most apt in this case, Miss Nisval. By chance, how small can you make your runes without putting a negative impact on their function? Also, is it possible to place your runes on small, moveable pieces of material?"[/color] ---Practice Halls--- Maldur quickly leapt back with a growl, eyes aglow as it landed. The Tozen it faced would find his feet frozen solid to the floor in large blocks of ice. Before the man could act Maldur slammed a paw on the ground, causing a pillar of ice to shoot forward into the stuck Tozen's gut. At the same time Maldur released the frozen hold on the man's feet which would cause this Tozen to be launched through the air into the wall on the other side of the room. Meanwhile Kazudain parried a few strikes from the left Tozen, noting that the General still had some power despite his age. Before the third Tozen could intercept Kazudain flashed away again with a crack of thunder, appearing a few meters away from the pair. Sword aloft , various runes began to light up along the core of the blade, sparks of static jumping across the blade. When the blade began to hum Kazudain swung the blade down, sending an arc of light towards the Tozen pair. Should either one not halt it, the pair would be flung from the floor to the same wall as the middle Tozen.