Despite the crown prince's absolute confidence about this outing, she was just as certain of the image he was unintentionally projecting. All eyes were upon them now that their purposefully poor disguises had been blown; they were a spectacle no patron would willfully ignore completely even if they feigned indifference and tried to be absorbed in their meals. The queen's arrangement of this date also assured there were plants to assure high definition photographs would be taken and utilized in covering up the shameful implications of Luke's departure from the engagement ball. Perhaps the monarch expected that her eldest child was a better performer than was reality. For most the threat of a rebellion, the forceful implantation as a leash, and her scorn would have compelled them to take every opportunity to make the most of this chance. Luke sat there arrogantly reveling in his convictions that he could do real wrong and the public would adore him inherently. Even loyalists could not ignore what pictures would later show. Rhiane did not so much as glance at her menu before her impatient fiance ordered for them both. The supposedly romantic pinnacle of oozing charisma had not uttered a single word to her in advance seeking her opinion. While this could conceivably be explained away (albeit with limited success) what transpired next was awkward enough it became the subject of whispered conversations in the restaurant. Luke was browsing the internet, keeping himself busy, and [i]completely ignoring[/i] the commoner whom his disregarding of had made headlines not only in their kingdom but across the world. The silence was so unusual and profound, so obviously evidence of a perfunctory relationship, of a man who would just assume be alone as with his future bride, that it gave credence to the contested theories about what had truly transpired the prior evening. Sudden;y the credibility of the story was fading as the charade unraveled. This was how people had feelings for one another acted while in the honeymoon stage unless something had gone horribly wrong. Single men and women would only allow such quiet at their table if they were plotting their escape from a suitor that was so awful they were contemplating how easily they could catch the manager and ask to pay before slipping out the back door. For her part Rhiane took the opportunity to smile as other customers accidentally met her gaze, mouthing words to them such as liking their skirt, their tie, their blouse, or their hair, before returning to sitting with her hands in her lap as she was obviously neglected. The princess elect's advice had not been heeded but that did not mean she had to allow herself to tank this adventure as Luke sank to the depths. So long as the queen's wrath was not centered on her the stipend sent to her father and brother would not be threatened. Portrait perfect there was not a moment where her expression faltered to anything less than the enjoyment though she felt the polar opposite. Until the food arrived she was personified rejection. The farmer thanked their waiter and patiently watched as Luke doled out food to her. Idly she wondered when, if ever, he would take notice of how much control he had exerted in the last thirty minutes. When it was clear that he was still oblivious she subtly shifted the wine out of the way and drank her water as she ate the appetizer quietly. Despite being of the lowest class in their society she sliced it into small, delicate pieces before eating it with nearly immaculate etiquette. "I decided to let the results speak for themselves," Rhiane stated simply and truthfully. Her eyes glittered under the light with a momentarily cunning that was allowed to leak through for her benefit alone. Feeling adequately satisfied with her response to his passive observation she placed her knife and fork across the ceramic white appetizer plate and pulled the larger one meant for the entree closer. Pizza had not been a frequent indulgence of hers to say the least and so this was a rare treat. The nutritionists within the palace would be advising she'd have to eat salad for months to compensate. Apparently her waistline was a matter of national concern though no one except the twitchy advisors seemed all that absorbed. Once she was pregnant she heard rumor she'd truly be able to explore the decadence of the castle's offerings. "If it's any consolation, I do not believe anyone knew how poorly the soybeans would perform," she admitted slowly. She did not know quite what to do about his confession, his smile, nor his wink even after they had faded. The princess elect was not anyone who kept company with men to whom she was not related and thus, when Luke deviated from being an unrepentant asshole, she was uncomfortable. In that moment she was not concerned because he was the crown prince but because he was a man, she was a woman, and she had distanced herself as far from any emotions bordering on romantic [i]like[/i] that innocent flirtations made her no more composed than an adolescent in the thralls of puberty. "I have nothing to risk, nothing to gain," she shrugged, "so it does not matter to me what you do with your investments, your highness. Maybe that is the charm of poverty. When you have nothing left to lose there is little to worry about, is there?" The self-depreciation was not insincere though delivered with a slightly lopsided smile. There was the distinct impression that she was no longer talking about just stocks.