Ambrose listened to the rest of the Headmaster's speech, despite looking him up and down with suspicious eyes the words resonated with him. He couldn't get them out of his mind even long after he had left. For a while after Ambrose sat in the waiting room, until finally in the early morning he forced himself back to his dorm room. It felt strange to return there, like it wasn't really his, like it belonged to a different version of Ambrose that didn't exist anymore. Ambrose didn't look for Morgan, didn't want to see the sharp blue gaze. He headed straight for his bed and collapsed on it. It didn't take long for him to fall into a deep and dreamless slumber. And before he knew it, sunlight was streaming through the window. Ambrose shot up with a gasp, realizing he had slept far into afternoon. His phone was flooded with messages, and Ambrose jumped out of bed and got ready as fast as he could. He hadn't even thought about attending class. Reading through a couple of the messages, Ambrose gathered the group was meeting up in Caleb's infirmary room. He was the last one in, panting as he closed the door behind him. "Sorry, I overslept." He breathed as he pushed through Jeremy and Ariana. He froze when he saw Morgan sitting in a chair by Caleb's bedside. "Nice of you to finally join us." The blonde said with a sneer. Ambrose looked around the room in bewilderment, trying to find an explanation to why Morgan would be here of all people. "I have information you all need." Morgan continued, cutting off Ambrose who had just opened his mouth to exclaim in anger.