[color=gray][right][i]Time is an illusion, But memories never forget.[/i].[/right] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lNnPcGc.png?1[/img] [hr][/center] [indent][indent] Raiko had spent the majority of the past couple of hours following that prestiess from before. In his gut, he knew something was going to happen that concerned him. He didn’t know what it was exactly or if it would be worth the risk of earning the wrath of Ryoshi. He obviously knew that interacting with the humans, even if it was a human who didn’t seem to be a danger to his well-being, could have adverse reactions to not only Raiko, but the current arrangement that the Demons of Serpent Mountain currently have with the humans of Seiki. Raiko was willing to take that risk. It was something about the human woman that told him that he [i]needed[/i] follow her. So he did. He trailed along the shadows, using his demonic energy to mask his presence. Thank the gods, it was an overcast morning. Had it not been cloudy, Raiko would have to think of alternate means to follow. But alas, that was neither here nor there. At some point, they arrived at a village that, as Raiko crept like a ninja in broad daylight, would soon find out it bore the same name as Ryoshi. It wasn’t until Raiko kept his Shadow Skin on did he realize it was not only named after the same demon that had been caring and training him for the past ten years, this demon - the King of the Serpent Shadows - was a demon that this village - this Ryoshi Village - gave him offerings, which as Raiko knew before it was even said that it had to do with the excessive amount of sake he’d been drinking. Though, Raiko didn’t know about the human women part. Then again, that drunken demon didn’t divulge everything he did to Raiko. They most certainly would have a war of words when Raiko returned to the mountain. To be quite honest, Raiko was nearly ready to head back. Having enough of what he heard - well more like he was satisfied - he thought he might go confront him, but then something caught his eye. Okay, maybe it was more than a few. Truth be told, a combination of things that happened right after the other caught his attention. The priestess from before questioned the villagers and then she started to question one about Ryoshi. Unlike the others before her, this one seemed more informed about Ryoshi. The Ryoshi that he knew was starting to come alive in the words that Raiko heard being spoken about him. What he knew about his master (if he could call him that) was that, one sweet murmur or two and he could be talked into doing just about anything. So when he heard this being uttered by the person the priestess was questioning, Raiko being intrigued. And then, his demnic, miscievous nature soon became the dominant trait as soon as he saw the first sign of cleavage. Instincualy, he tried to get a better look by standing on a rock. He saw the hint of a nipple and then suddenly [i][b]CRASH![/b][/i] Without warning, in front of the priestess who wasn’t presented very holy-like, Raiko came crashing down with the barricade. [color=b5484b]“Well, that could’ve went better than I had hoped.”[/color] “A-a-a..a Demon!?” Kaito started to elevate her voice. [color=b5484b]“Can you not. Please, I swear, despite my lurking ways, I am on your side. Really.”[/color] “And how do I know I can trust you, demon?” [color=b5484b]“Well, for one, I haven’t tried to kill you yet. But also, you see that staff over there?”[/color] Raiko pointed to the weird staff. [color=b5484b]“I imagine, if I posed any threat, I’d be dead. Notice how I’m still alive?”[/color] “I suppose you have a point, demon. But that doesn’t explain why you were creeping where a man such as yourself - even for a demon - should be creeping at.” [color=b5484b]“You got me. I’m suppose I'm a guy with needs,”[/color] Raiko teased, laughing, though his eyes to the priestess’ own eyes. [color=b5484b]“You say you want to know if you can trust Ryoshi? Let me be the judge of that.”[/color] “And how would you know Ryoshi?” Raiko stood up, looking to the human girl for a moment, then taking only another to glance at the priestess. He smiled, finally putting some of the pieces together, though he didn’t have the complete puzzle solved. [color=b5484b]“He’s kind of my dad. Well, kind of. More like a guy who has looked after me for about 10 years now.”[/color] Raiko scratched his head, keeping his eyes on the human girl. [color=b5484b]“So, how about it, girlie? Wanna hike up the mountain with me? I promise to make it worth your while,"[/color] Raiko said, wiggling his eyebrows (much to the disgust of Kaito) [/indent][/indent] [/color]