[@Zeroth][@SilverPaw][@Guy0fV4lor][@Kazemitsu] [@King Cosmos][@CriticalHit][@Old Amsterdam][@ReusableSword][@floodtalon][@Gardevoiran] Ed stopped focusing but could still feel the exhaustion from what he had done. He didn't feel the same exhaustion he experienced the day before when he had fought in that bloody battle royale. It was an exhaustion from within, like spending numerous hours on end writing for a term paper. Ed wondered what it meant other than he was tired of focusing. A sudden message pops into his head to alert him of something. [quote=System: Ed] [color=red]Warning[/color]: Mana Low [/quote] The message reassures the young dire rat that he was making progress and maybe taking his initial steps towards his skill using mana and magic in this world. It was then Jason had alerted to the group to follow him and there was little to no time to explain his sudden outburst. He followed the slime without question and was met with another sizable group with an even more sizable number of mana crystals He was still recovering from the sight when Jason started barking out directives, apparently they were expecting something and it was bound to be a big one if they needed to prepare as much as Jason had described. It was a matter of survival and Ed was the farthest thing from willing to die. He had scampered up closer to the defensive line and decided that the new cache for the mana crystals should be far away from its original position but not too far away. He had hoped that the new cache being ten feet away from the original be sufficient enough distance. The digging had been easy enough at the beginning, but as time past, became a more and more difficult task to do. His body ached and he wished to stop, but he couldn't. The defenses need to be made and if he had slacked off, it might cost the other's lives or even his. So even if his body wanted to -no- begged him to stop, he was determined to finish the hole for the cache. With or without the help from the others. [hider=Stats] LVL: 2 HP: [color=green]Stable[/color] SP: [color=green]Full[/color] MP: [color=orangered]Low[/color] Effect/s: SKILLS: Beast Sense (1.2) __________________________________ Muffle (0.2) Material Analysis (0.2) Magic Analysis (0.1) Monster Analysis (0.4) Faster (0.1) Rabid Fit (0.8) Inventory: -None [/hider]