[@Quote5] Fanny appears inquisitive while Ernest is giving a rundown of his condition, slightly humored at his struggle with his own operational systems, but she flushes a tint of pink – maybe embarrassed – when he starts speaking of the massive ribbon and destruction of the Quatis Solar system. Yeeeaaaahhhhh… look, Ernest,” She replied apprehensively, “I don’t know too much about anything either, just that that Ribbon, who people have started calling Hany’s Ribbon, or in some cases ‘that bitch’, killed most of the population on Quatis. Only 7 billion or something like that. But it wasn’t an entire loss, I guess,” She glanced at the doors that led to other areas of the ship, “a handful of them managed to escape on ships before their world was destroyed." "Consider me a scientist,” She adds, while getting out of her chair and heading to the area of the deck where a table and interactive terminal of types was situated, “I’ve been following that ribbon for a while, trying to work it out, you know? But I haven’t been having much success. Now that my ship is out of action, I don’t have a way to keep track of it anymore." "You don’t have a manual control deck, something like that? Maybe a place I can continue my studies until my ship is fixed up? But eh…” She shrugs and looks around dismally, “I guess you don’t really wanna be bothered getting involved with something dangerous like that. But on a side note, you got any beer?” Meanwhile, back in the docking bay, Fanny’s ship disappears, again, only this time it doesn’t re-materialize. [hr] [@GingerBoi123] [center][h3][color=00a99d]Lunch time, New York City, or maybe just some city that resembles it and has the same name[/color][/h3][/center] Fanny May had on a gray business skirt, white blows, semi-high heels, her hair tied back in a bun and cute little reading glasses bobbing loosely on the bridge of her little button nose. But for some reason she was giggling in playful kind of way as she ran down the alleyway in her attempt to escape the five local gang members chasing her – “Your ass is ours!” One of them yelled out, “We’re gonna give you a facial you’ll never forget!” another one jeered, “Then I’m gonna cut off your cute little titties and play myself a little baseball with em!” another one said as they slowly closed in the gap between themselves and her. “None of you pencil dick losers are gonna touch me!” She laughed mockingly as she turned the corner and down the next alley where she ran straight into Damien in the moment he stepped out from interdimensional portal. The impact of the collusion caused them both to come crashing to the damp, dirty pavement with Fanny on top, looking Damien straight in the eyes as she used her index finger to prop up the glasses on her nose. “Oh, high there, cutie!” She said with a chirpy smile and scrambled to her feet before pointing behind her at the gang members heading their way. “Those mean boys are trying to get a piece of my ass – so I gotta keep moving. Maybe you can slow them down for me or something.” She starts running again and yells back. “When you’re done here meet me at the café just around the corner on the next street!” The portal had already vanished when the five gang members come racing around the corner. They quickly surround Damien, having heard what Fanny had said to him, and seem visibly pissed off about the interruption to their plans. Two of them are armed with switchblades, one with a meter-long iron pipe, the largest of the members seems to think his fists will do the trick, and one with a Glock G18 fully automatic handgun pointed at his head – obviously the leader – and is speaking the words; “Wrong time, wrong place, motherfucker! And now ya gonna die….” He squeezes the trigger – [hider=for G18 reference] https://youtu.be/g6ikttxxBPc[/hider] [hr] [@Oh no my soup] Fanny, or at least one representation of her, seems a little saddened when Magnus calls her Manny, but doesn’t bother to correct him. She continues listening with slightly sympathetic attentiveness at everything he has to say. When Magnus jerks up to await a response, he finds Fanny standing very close, within arm’s reach, holding out a bottle of beer for him. “Drink? Fanny finds a beer really helps at times like this.” As she offers him the beer, the planet size entity shifts sharply as the stars changed their direction of movement. Apparently they had altered course. Assuming that Magnus takes the offer, Fanny plunks herself down on the ground in front of him, crossing her legs in a childlike manner - though, considering her lack of clothing – it may have been viewed as an indecent pose. She rests her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands as she rolls her eyes up at Magnus in a lost-puppy manner. I’m gonna take you somewhere special.” She said. “Just you wait and see.” Magnus didn’t have to wait long. In the closing of Fanny’s words an actual planet came into view ahead. It was massive, the size of an average gas giant, only not made of gas. Instead, the surface seemed dark, dismal, crater riddled and clouded, as if the previously inhabiting civilization had long since destroyed themselves through global war. As Fanny, or whatever the entities true name was, slowed down approach of the planet, she tells him; “This is a local dumping ground for a race that resides not too far away. They usually dump their garbage here, but because they’re kinda stupid they also dump a lot of useful stuff like outdated space ships, most of which are still pretty advanced from pretty much everyone else’s point of view. No one really lives here anymore though, I don’t think…? Maybe if I drop you off, you can pick out a space vehicle for yourself? You can’t go gallivanting around the universe without a vehicle, right? And staying on me, as much as I’d appreciate the company, would probably get boring for you after a while.” The massive entity finally comes to a halt in orbit of the planet. “Let me know when you’re ready and I’ll send you on down. Is there anything else you need…?” She winks and gives her boob a scratch. “Or.. maybe you’d like to stay instead?” ((love the list of items btw XD)) [hr] [@Scorpionius] “Bless my cute little hiney!” She calls out delighted at the offer to take a seat behind the wheel, and throws her empty beer bottle to the side. It shatters against a nearby metallic waste barrel, but she doesn’t give a second thought to the shards of glass that spray out across the concrete floor. “Those are the words I was wanting to hear, you sweet, sweet, sweet machine!” What may at some point seem odd to Sir Swallow, Fanny then climbs into the driver’s seat without taking so much as a carry bag with her. No purse, no jewelry, nothing but the tomboy jeans and flannelette shirt she had on from the start. “And might I just say, you are a very good looking vehicle, I don’t believe anyone on this planet manufactures anything quite like you.” She tells him, settling into the seat while caressing the knob of his gearstick. “They’re too concerned with technological advances to worry about looks. Malcolm… honey… I’m sure you spend most of your time fighting off all them female Carthropods that want a piece of your ass, am I right or am I right?” While Malcolm is answering one way or another, Fanny then does something a little odd. She goes completely silent. Her eyes narrow as if thinking about something she might have forgotten. Then a small, purple arm of electrical current slides in a single movement across the surface of each of her eyes like windscreen wipers. The subtle event took all of a moment, before the garage doors behind them started opening again. “We’re good to go.” She said, giving the gearstick a little squeeze. “No tech hunters around for a 5 mile radius. Let’s get out here!” [hr] [@Zyngard]+[@Dartbored Fairy] “I don’t think they want the ash to enter the residence, sir.” The lieutenant confirmed, as Dino reeled back in shock from the door. He couldn’t recal the last time anyone had actually refused him. “Well, thanks for that, Lieutenant – Glad you came along!” He says, lifting his arm to analyse the nifty little gadget on his wrist, “Now, how about you three stay out here while head inside? Guard the entrance or something. I’ll return when I do. Miss me, won’t you?” “Understood, sir!” The three officers reply in unison. Dino holsters his weapon on his belt and leans in at the door again, calling out to the female inside; “Never fear, you sweet little damsel you. I’ll let myself in! Penetration of your residence commencing!” With that, Dino taps at a few of the buttons on his wrist gadget. His body is enveloped by downward traveling rings of cyan light for a second or two before he vanishes. Inside the station, upward moving rings of cyan light are seen just a few feet from where Cuna and Pirila are standing, before Dino materializes inside the rings. As the rings disperse, he rips off his face mask and casts it to the side, places his fists on hips and gives Pirila a smoldering look, a wink, and introduces himself. “I’m Dino Gavon of the late planet Quatis world and current Admiral and acting Captain of the Flagship Egress. Pleased to meet your primitive acquaintance!” He then takes a brief look around the hobo types strewn about the place and then takes his eyes to Cuna as the smoldering look runs away from his face, saying; “And you too, I guess, humanoid [i]male[/i]… person.” He looks back at Pirila with a second wink. “Have you two got names as well, or haven’t your species evolved that far?” [hr] [@CmdrAlfieq] Ten lightyears out from the Iceolia Orbiting Headquarters, Hany Ribbon mysteriously appears. It is violet in color, one lightyear in length, and immediately starts heading in an unfaltering straight direction towards the headquarters and the planet Iceolia. At its current speed - destroying everything in its path - Hany’s Ribbon will make physical contact with the headquarters and planet within two days.