With the member of the cult closest to threatening to reward any attempt of escape with a slash of her weapon taken care of, the woman slumping down while Kyra turned tail to run, the remaining cultists set to enacting their revenge. "Leonard! Wrap around the tent, stop their advance!" the man already inside shouted to the one on the door while he charged the half-orc. Despite how reckless the green skinned hero had been in his earlier strike, luck was on his side as the cultist's weapon would shred the roof of the tent before halting as it suddenly his a support instead of its intended target. The frantic assailant was quick to recover, but their chance to land an attack was long gone. The other man did as called for however, taking off after the escaping priestess, only to find himself another target closer by in the blue haired halfling woman handling a flask of oil. That would certainly explain the burning tents. "For Tiamat's Glory!" the man bellowed as he swung the sword he held in both of his hands at the bard. However, the attack was more enthusiastic than actually dangerous, being so telegraphed that even the most newbish of combatants could have seen it coming and sidestepped it. And that was what would happen, the blade cutting naught but air. [hider=Mechanics&Rolls] The cultists suck. Okay, with that out of the way, the first one moved up to Orchid and missed his advantaged (thank Reckless attack) strike against Orchid with rolls of [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/11592][s]5[/s][/url] and [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/11593][b]8[/b][/url]. The other one rushed around the tent to Parum's position and attempted to strike her, only to miss with another [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/11594][b]8[/b][/url]. Thus, everyone has avoided coming to harm. It is now Brannor's ([@The Harbinger of Ferocity]) turn. [/hider]